Chapter 133: Kiss 2

NaNa is not innocent when it comes to kissing. In her previous relationship, she had kissed her former fiance many times before.

But having someone she loves asked her whether she wants to kiss or not made NaNa flustered.

Usually, people will just go for it when they feel that the time and the situation permit them. In her life, this was the first time she got asked by her boyfriend whether she wants to kiss or not.

Of course, NaNa wants to kiss Jun Liu. So, she nodded slowly.

"Come here" There was still a distance of an arm away between Jun Liu and NaNa. NaNa didn't know why but she felt that the instruction to ask her to come over to Jun Liu was slightly overbearing and hot.

NaNa scooted over to Jun Liu until their thigh touched. Jun Liu touched NaNa's left cheek with his right hand and caressed her cheek silently. His eyes looked at her face like he was trying to memorize every detail of NaNa's face.

"I don't know how to do this properly, but since the first time I kissed you, I keep wanting for more" Jun Liu grabbed NaNa's other cheek with his left hand.

NaNa's bright eyes looked at Jun Liu as if he was the only man in the world. That look made Jun Liu insanely happy, so he leaned over and kissed NaNa.

The kiss was slow and not rushed. It was the kind of kiss that made everything feels sweet; the kind of kiss that reminds you of the puppy love back in your teenage years - your first kiss.

NaNa did not remember how her first kiss went by, but she was sure that she'd remember this kiss for the rest of her life.

After some time, Jun Liu stopped kissing NaNa and looked at the flustered face in front of him. The red face is so beautiful that Jun Liu couldn't control himself.

"Again" And Jun Liu kissed NaNa once again. This time, the kiss lasted quite long.

While kissing, Jun Liu pushed NaNa to lean against the sofa and continued kissing her. His kiss this time was even more passionate than the last one.

Soft knocks could be heard from the door. NaNa stiffened when she heard the knocks so she tried to push Jun Liu away from her but Jun Liu did not budge. He continued kissing NaNa, totally ignoring the knocks on the door.

The soft knocks turned to loud knocks, but Jun Liu continued ignoring the knocks until the door suddenly opened. A young man stood outside the door, and when he saw that his boss was doing something with a lady on the sofa, he hurriedly closes the door back with a loud bang. As if he was too surprised by the event happening inside the office.

The interruption caused Jun Liu to stop kissing NaNa. He removed himself from her, and he fixed her messy hair before walking through the door. Jun Liu opened the door and barked out some instruction from the door and returned to his chair.

Not long after the young man who opened the door previously entered the door with his head down. He didn't dare to look at Jun Liu who had a very annoyed expression on his face. The young man put a file on Jun Liu's table, and Jun Liu read it before he signed the document inside the folder.

NaNa took the laptop and continued watching her anime. Everything happened in a blink of eyes. Her face became scarlet red because they were caught kissing by the employer. NaNa tried to calm herself by pretending to watch the anime but she couldn't.

"From now on, do not enter my office without my permission anymore. What if I am in the middle of doing something important with my girlfriend? Tell this to the rest outside" There was not a hint of embarrassment or awkwardness in Jun Liu's tone. He was calm and composed.

The young man took the file from Jun Liu, bowed down and went out of the room quietly.

NaNa and Jun Liu did not talk at all after that. NaNa continued watching or pretending to watch her anime, and Jun Liu continued doing his work.

After sometimes, NaNa got tired of pretending, so she lay on the sofa and fell asleep. Jun Liu was not aware that NaNa fell asleep, not until he heard a soft snore coming from the sofa.

NaNa was wearing a knee-length flared skirt, and when she lay down on the sofa, the skirt rode up to her thigh. Jun Liu went over to NaNa and covered her legs with his jacket.

Jun Liu squatted down and looked at the sleeping NaNa. Plump lips, long eyelashes, and clear skin. For him, Chong NaNa is an attractive and beautiful woman. There would be a lot of guys who would be happy to be with her. Instead, NaNa chose to be his girlfriend.

Jun Liu did a background check on NaNa when he caught her acting suspiciously in front of Wu Chen's house. Jun Liu took pride in being Wu Chen's best friend, but he didn't even know the existence of Chong NaNa right until she appeared in front of him. It was kind of a big blow to his pride.

He knew a few things about NaNa. Like where she studied for her teaching certificate, her involvement in cosplay and that she had a fiance, but they broke up not long after they returned to the country.

There is a crack in everything, and no relationship is perfect, but that is how the lights get in. The imperfectly perfect girl was left perfectly alone by her former lover, and Jun Liu was grateful for that.

Falling in love was never in his plan until one day, Jun Liu realized that he is attracted the person in front of him.

"Beautiful…" Jun Liu runs his finger on NaNa's cheek.

Due to the touch, NaNa's eyes fluttered open slowly.

The difference between like, love and in love, is the same as the difference between for now, for a while and forever.

When he sees NaNa waking up to see him, forever flashed in his mind.

Jun Liu told NaNa that he likes her, but now he realized that what he felt for her was so much more. He had watched a lot of beautiful things in this world and still never sees one quite beautiful as the sight of NaNa's eyes slowly opening towards him.

"I think that… No, not think. I'm sure of this…" Jun Liu tried to tell what's on his heart to the confused NaNa who was still lying on the sofa.

"Chong NaNa, I've fallen deeply in love with you."