Chapter 142: Zi Yi 3

Zi Yi was not willing to give up.

There were a lot of things on his mind. He created a lot of scenario inside his mind of why NaNa did not respond to his text. She might be bathing or showering, or she fell asleep; or simply because she did not know the sender was him.

Out of all the possible reasons that he could come up with, he preferred that NaNa did not reply to his text because she did not know he was the one who sent her the text. Therefore, he composed another text and press send.

NaNa was rolling on her bed after the call with Jun Liu. She is happy- too happy the Jun Liu said that he wouldn't let go of her. Possessive much?

She wanted to continue rolling when suddenly her phone vibrated indicating that she received a new message. NaNa thought it would be Jun Liu, but she was wrong. It was the same unknown number earlier.

"By the way, it's me, Zi Yi" NaNa read the text and scoffed. She deleted the messages from the number and went to take a shower. She has a lot of things to prepare for work the next morning.

As to why NaNa could recognise Zi Yi's number straightaway, which would be because both of their phone numbers are the same except for the last digit. After they got engaged, NaNa suggested that they should buy a 'couple number' so that it would be easier to remember their number. Zi Yi readily agreed to her suggestion.

NaNa was not the type of person who will change their number when they broke up. She has a lot of friends who changed their number whenever they broke up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, but NaNa thought that changing numbers could be a hassle since she has been using that number for quite some time.

NaNa was not sure of why Zi Yi is still using his number, but she assumed that he has the same reason as hers too.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Zi Yi got so hungry that he went over to the nearest McDonalds restaurant to eat. For some reason, he felt nostalgic. Of course, as a lawyer, Zi Yi is resourceful. He could always use the GPS to find any places that he wanted to go, but Zi Yi figured out that using such old-fashioned excuse like he didn't know the areas in City L and then asking NaNa out for dinner would be an excellent starter to rekindle their romance.

Zi Yi was used to eating fast food since his university years because salad would be freaking expensive for a poor scholarship student like him. Now, Zi Yi has a lot of money, but tonight, he was walking down the memory lane.

There were a lot of things on his mind. He tried to organise his thought of his love life. Zi Yi's mind drifted to the time where he was still together with NaNa.

Since teenage years, Zi Yi realised that he liked everything to be in control. For him, control is power. He felt powerful and satisfied when he was able to control things.

But there are a lot of things that he couldn't control, and he couldn't do anything about it. One of them would be his birthright and family background. He came from the rural area from the family of farmers. He is bright, and he wanted so much more for himself and his family.

His family sold their land to send him to study overseas. Zi Yi tried his best to achieve whatever he wants so that he could repay his family when he has a lot of money.

In the university, he met NaNa, and they got together rather quickly because their feeling was mutual. NaNa was not his first love. Previously in high school, Zi Yi had a few relationships with his classmates, so he was aware of how good looking he is.

Zi Yi knew that NaNa is rich just from looking at her appearance. He didn't care at first because he loved her. Zi Yi loved her so much that he proposed to NaNa to be his fiancée even when he was still struggling.

The more Zi Yi spent time together with NaNa, the more he felt that he could not control NaNa. NaNa was entirely out of his reach. It made him frustrated because he wanted to be in control but he couldn't seem to control her.

During the toughest year in university, Zi Yi ate mostly fast food to save money, and when he wanted to eat fast food with NaNa, NaNa will decline him. She said that she was on a diet or that they needed to eat healthy so that they could study better. NaNa even bought them healthy food everywhere.

While Zi Yi understood that NaNa meant well by doing those things, that she was only going in a circle to say that they didn't have to worry about food, but Zi Yi didn't like it. He felt as if NaNa was mocking him for not able to support himself – that hurts his pride.

NaNa had a different thought at that time. For her, since they were engaged and they will get married sooner or later, she felt that she could share everything with her fiancé including money. NaNa was willing to go through thick and thin with him, but Zi Yi just won't let her.

Whenever Zi Yi was with NaNa, he felt worthless. It was as if he was not suitable for her and they lived in an entirely different world.

Whenever he sees NaNa, he was reminded of the fact that he has nothing and that he was full of weaknesses. Everything was messy and didn't go according to his plan. Zi Yi felt as if he was a ship without a sail. He couldn't control his direction.

He let his insecurity gets the best of him, and that was when he finally understands that he had fallen out of love with NaNa.

Zi Yi tried to control his insecurity by staying with NaNa. Zi Yi was aware that he had been together with NaNa for three years and he wanted to try to stay for as long as he could.

NaNa had been nothing but sweet to him, but despite the sweetness she gave him, Zi Yi still couldn't control NaNa. Zi Yi's feeling grew restless each day, and he felt that he loved NaNa less and less each passing days.

After graduation, both NaNa and Zi Yi returned to the country. Zi Yi was lucky enough to meet his high school senior who was a lawyer. His senior recommended him to apply to the firm that he was currently working in and when Zi Yi applied for the first time, he was called for an interview.

After he went for the interview, he was offered the post in the firm. The law firm was one of the most prominent law firms in the country. Zi Yi felt that things would finally get better for him.

The first day of work, one of the youngest secretaries in the office was assigned to Zi Yi. The girl was quite pretty but not as pretty as NaNa. As her superior, Zi Yi could give her any instruction, and the girl will follow and do whatever work-related things that Zi Yi wanted her to do.

For the first time after so long, Zi Yi felt that he was in control again. The excitement overwhelmed him. He spent a few days with his secretary, and he liked her because she was so easy to control. Zi Yi felt like he was on top of the world. From that moment, he decided to do something that he will regret in his entire lifetime.

He broke up with NaNa.

When Zi Yi told NaNa that he wanted to break up, of course, NaNa was furious and sad, but he didn't feel anything. He felt that anger and sadness are synonyms with a breakup. He was lost for so long and for the first time after meeting his secretary, he found his way to his old self.

He didn't care if NaNa was sad or not. He only cared for his happiness. For him, NaNa will move on fast enough since she has a lot of money. Money does not buy happiness, that's for sure. But she could use money go to many beautiful places and buy many beautiful things which kind of the same things.

The things he said to NaNa when he wanted to break up was harsh, but that was he meant to do. He wanted to be harsh with NaNa so that NaNa won't put any hope for both of them to get back together. NaNa did send him a few messages, but that's it. She stopped sending him messages because he never replies to any of it.

That's how it supposed to be between him and NaNa. Zi Yi felt that the act of ghosting would solve the entire problem. He was right. It did. Zi Yi was able to work happily in his new environment that he could control until he became one of the best lawyers in the country.

He was happy – until he saw NaNa inside the McDonalds with her boyfriend. She looked so happy and she shined bright. Even brighter that she used to be when they were still together.

Something tugged his heart when he saw NaNa's bright smile and eyes full of love. That kind of smile is only befitting for someone like him; who is excellent and who is someone on top of the pyramid.

"Excuse me, mister. Hello… Hello…" An unfamiliar voice snapped Zi Yi back into his reality. "May I take your order?" The worker in the counter displayed a slightly annoyed expression.

Zi Yi ordered the food he wanted. The restaurant played Never Ever by Ciara feat Young Jeezy.

'If that boy don't love you by now…'

'He will never ever, never ever love you…'

'Never ever love you?' What kind of bullshit is that? Zi Yi took his tray of food and went to seat at the empty seat at the corner.

He didn't care about the current boyfriend, or the things happened in the past between him and NaNa. If she wanted to, Zi Yi will do anything she wanted to earn her forgiveness and love once again.

He'll charm her back, and they can be together again.