Chapter 143: Confession Plan 1

The next morning, Yi Fei and NaNa went out of their house even earlier than they used to be because they wanted to use the photocopier in school to photocopy their printout. If they arrived late, they had to queue to use the machine, and Yi Fei couldn't take the risk because she had class the first period.

Since Yi Fei got her Goddess back, they needed to drive themselves to school even though Wu Chen would be delighted to send and pick them up from school if they ever ask him to.

NaNa went out first because Yi Fei is more alert than her. Yi Fei was the one more careful between the two. She always checks her keys and makes sure that she locked the door before going to school.

NaNa, on the other hand, always forgets her keys and she does not have the habit of locking the door. That would be one of the habits she has from home because she has helpers in her house back in City K, it would be weird for her to lock the door.

NaNa waited for Yi Fei outside the house and hoped that she won't bump into Zi Yi who was now living next door. It would be weird for him to wake up early since business hours in City L started half an hour past eight and school started around seven thirty.

But one should be careful what they wished for.

Just after NaNa wished that she won't bump into Zi Yi, the door to his house opened.

"Ah damn!" NaNa cursed loudly. She didn't even try to hide her frustration when she saw the door opening and Zi Yi came out of it wearing a white dress shirt with brown tie and navy suit.

NaNa is used to men wearing suits and all that. She used to think that no other men would look better looking in a suit than Zi Yi. But she was wrong. Zi Yi did not even come to half better than Jun Liu.

"Good morning NaNa" Zi Yi went over to approach NaNa as if he didn't hear the curse uttered by NaNa. Or if he heard it, he was pretending as if the curse was not meant for him.

"Hi." NaNa returned Zi Yi's greeting with a poker face. She might not hate him anymore, but it doesn't mean that she'll get back to being polite and friendly to him after all he did to herself. After all, Zi Yi said that the relationship between the two of them was a mistake.

"Are you always go to school during this early hour?" Zi Yi put the sweetest smile on his face.

NaNa scrutinised the man in front of him. Never did she tell him about her being a teacher but he knew. Someone's been stalking her. Her eyes scanned over the brown tie. She remembered the tie.

Of course, she would. NaNa gifted the tie to Zi Yi during his graduation day. So after almost two years, he kept the tie. NaNa thought that Zi Yi had already got rid of everything related to her. In Yi Fei's first novel, the male character wore the items gifted by his former girlfriend so that the ex could remember their time together.

In short, to trigger the loving memory they once had.

NaNa was thankful that she read Yi Fei's novel. Yi Fei was quite a good writer given the fact that she is weird as hell and could be an idiot sometimes.

"Okay, come on let's go to… Oh hi, new neighbour" Yi Fei came out of the door after she finished locking everything. She did not expect to see Zi Yi early in the morning. "Why are you up so early?"

Zi Yi smiled and returned Yi Fei's greeting. "I'm about to get to work too".

Yi Fei looked at NaNa and when she saw that NaNa had an indifferent expression on her face. Yi Fei knew then that NaNa had no interest to entertain the former fiancé. Yi Fei needed to save the situation but first; she needed to throw some shades to the guy.

"Really? Are you a teacher too? Business hour her starts at 8.30 you know" Then Yi Fei laughed while flipping her hair. "If I didn't know you are a lawyer, I might already label you as a stalker."

Yi Fei spoke of other things; she was meant to throw some shades to Zi Yi, but after some shades and Zi Yi was acting like he was not affected, Yi Fei stopped throwing shades and excused themselves from Zi Yi.

It was a given that Zi Yi was good in staying calm. He is smart, of course, he knew that Yi Fei was trying to pick a fight with him, but he just smiled, dissembling his real emotion. His quest to get NaNa back would be hard because Yi Fei was another person he couldn't control.

Yi Fei and NaNa reached the school, and they straightaway went to the photocopier machines. There were two of the photocopier machines in the staffroom, so both of them used one each.

"NaNa, I think the Zi Yi guy is stalking you. Nobody goes to work that early. He just wants to create the opportunity of meeting you and conceals it by saying that he is going to work. Nobody goes to the office at half after six unless he is an over-achiever."

NaNa agreed with Yi Fei. There are a lot of apartment complexes in City L, and he just happened to move to one beside them. NaNa patted her face to stop her from thinking about Zi Yi. He doesn't deserve to be in her mind anymore.

When Yi Fei was done photocopying her handouts, NaNa took out her phone and typed a good morning message to Jun Liu. A few minutes after that, Jun Liu called her.

"Want to have dinner together later?" Jun Liu did not bother with the good morning and started going directly to the main point of the conversation. "Chen will probably spend his time with Yi Fei."

NaNa was all over the moon. After Yi Fei and Wu Chen became a couple, Wu Chen kept on stealing Yi Fei from her, and she was a bit lonely sometimes. Thank god that she has a lot of anime to watch and Wu Chen is kind enough to bribe her with food after his outing with Yi Fei.

"Okay" NaNa was too happy that Jun Liu took the initiative to ask her out for dinner. She thought that it would be hard to have dinner with a cold guy.

"Dinner at your house. I'll pick you up from school later" After saying that, Jun Liu hung up the phone. For the whole day, NaNa was looking for her dinner date with Jun Liu, and she forgot that Zi Yi exist.

True to Jun Liu's assumption, Wu Chen already made a plan with Yi Fei. He went over to Yi Fei's school to send lunch boxes to Yi Fei and NaNa as he did previously. Although he was not fond of Yi Fei's driving herself to school, he could at least see her in the morning when he went over to send her the lunch boxes.

Wu Chen was waiting for Yi Fei's in the parking lot when Bai Jing Ting's pullover next to his car. Wu Chen knew that Bai Jing Ting must have mistaken his car as Yi Fei's car. Wu Chen went out of his car.

True to his guess, Bai Jing Ting was disappointed when he saw Wu Chen went out of the red car. But Bai Jing Ting knew better than to show his disappointment to his rival. He went out of his car and greeted Wu Chen with a nod.

Bai Jing Ting didn't know how to describe his relationship with Wu Chen.

Are they supposed to be rival in love? Or are they supposed to be a former best friend? Are they even friend? Or are they enemy?

Whichever it is, Bai Jing Ting is a man with a manner, so he decided to be a decent human being and greeted Wu Chen even though he kind of hated him for being Yi Fei's boyfriend.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Bai Jing Ting shouldn't have asked Wu Chen the question. The answer is obvious. Of course, he would be waiting for Yi Fei. Deep down his heart, he knew that there's no way that Yi Fei and Wu Chen would separate but he couldn't just move on from Yi Fei.

"Mm. I'm waiting for my fiancée" Honestly, Wu Chen did not expect Bai Jing Ting to talk to him but since Bai Jing Ting asked him first, he better breaks the news to Bai Jing Ting.

If his heart hurts, then it means that Bai Jing Ting got much better in concealing his face expression. He did not ask Wu Chen to elaborate more on the 'fiancée' part. He nodded again and walked away from Wu Chen towards his office.

Bai Jing Ting met Yi Fei halfway. Yi Fei got prettier each time he looked at her. His eyes went down to her fingers, and when he saw the diamond ring on Yi Fei's finger, he felt as if his heart dropped. So it was right after all – the engagement was real.

"Yo! What's up, Brother Ting? How is your holiday?" Yi Fei greeted Bai Jing Ting, but Bai Jing Ting looked like he was not in the mood of talking. He said 'good' and walked away to his office.

Yi Fei sensed nothing wrong with that. Usually, the teachers are typically moody on the first day of work after a holiday. Except for Yi Fei, because she is a peculiar one.

When Bai Jing Ting reached his office, he sat down on his chair quietly and thought of what should be done at this point in life.

He was trying to approach Yi Fei by using the best method he could ever think of as not to scare her away. But Wu Chen appeared, and in less than three months, Wu Chen was able to charm her away.

And now, after only a short holiday, they were already engaged. Bai Jing Ting was afraid that if he relaxed even just for a bit, Wu Chen and Yi Fei might already get married.

Bai Jing Ting refused to go down just like that. At least, he should try to do something about it. Bai Jing Ting hardened his heart.

He needs to confess to Yi Fei.