Chapter 145: Rejection

When Wu Chen finally let go of Yi Fei, Yi Fei looked at the handsome face in front of her. She saw that Wu Chen looked relieved. But why?

Even his kiss was filled with a sense of desperation and frustration. It couldn't be that Wu Chen got too hungry while waiting for him right?

Then Yi Fei remembered the guard in front of her. Wu Chen kissed her in front of the guard; she was a bit embarrassed. Previously, she wanted to show off that she was Wu Chen's fiancée to the security but now, she just wanted to bury her head somewhere.

"Mr. Wu" The security guard greeted Wu Chen with respect. Yi Fei looked at the guard, and he had a guilty look on his face. "Sorry miss, I didn't know that you are acquainted with Mr. Wu."

"This is my wife. Remember her face. She is to be allowed to go in-and-out with any obstruction. Understood?" Wu Chen spoke with such domineering tone. The security guard nodded his head and resumed his previous post when Wu Chen dismissed him.

"Chen Chen, you shouldn't tell a lie. Since when did I upgrade into your wife. Last time I check, we're still engaged" Yi Fei went over to Wu Chen's side, trying to hide from the receptionists who were looking towards their way.

Wu Chen held Yi Fei's hand and pulled Yi Fei out from her hiding. He walked towards the receptionist and asked them to prepare food and send it to his office. The receptionist nodded in understanding.

Wu Chen held Yi Fei's hand and led her towards the elevator. Seeing that Wu Chen didn't answer or said anything to her, Yi Fei thought that Wu Chen might be angry because she went to dinner with Bai Jing Ting.

Inside the elevator, Yi Fei tugged Wu Chen's sleeve so that he'll look at her but he didn't. Yi Fei was sure that Wu Chen was angry with her. So she thought of the things that she could do to make him forgive her. There were a lot of things that came to her mind because she watched a lot of anime, but then she decided on THAT thing.

Because THAT thing would work well with a tall angry boyfriend like Wu Chen.

Yi Fei walked in front of Wu Chen, and she tugged his hand so that Wu Chen will look at her. When Wu Chen looked at her, Yi Fei put the ultra cute puss in boots eyes she could ever imagine and said 'I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me. I'm soft".

Then Yi Fei wrapped her hands around Wu Chen's body and put her head on Wu Chen's chest. She kept on rubbing her face on Wu Chen's chest while muttering 'I'm sorry, don't be angry' non-stop.

Wu Chen had a hard time to control himself after seeing Yi Fei in the lobby, and now here she was, rubbing her face on his chest. Wu Chen was not someone who loses his composure easily but just now, he lost his self-control in the lobby. He was not about to repeat the same mistake, but the little puss in the boots in front of him won't let him.

Still, Wu Chen didn't say anything towards Yi Fei. When the elevator reached the level of his office, Yi Fei refused to let him go and kept on clinging to him. Wu Chen had no choice but to drag her with him to go out of the elevator.

Yi Fei was sure that Wu Chen was furious this time. He even dragged her with him without saying anything. This time, she'll die in vain, Yi Fei thought. Yi Fei was sad. She wanted to cry. How could THAT thing not working for Wu Chen when in the anime, it always works with the male character.

Wu Chen entered his office and right after he closed his door, he tore Yi Fei from his chest. Yi Fei looked as if she was about to cry. "Chen Chen, I'm sorry. Don't be angry. Please talk to me".

Once again, Wu Chen kissed Yi Fei intensely.

Yi Fei didn't know how long but Wu Chen kept on kissing her like there's no tomorrow. Yi Fei let him kiss her as much as he wants. It would be better than keeping silent and ignoring her.

Wu Chen only stopped kissing Yi Fei when he heard the knock on his door. He fixed Yi Fei's hair and blouse and asked whoever knocks the door to come in.

A few workers came in with trays of food for Yi Fei and Wu Chen. Yi Fei remembered the workers as they were the one serving her when she had her dinner with Wu Chen at the rooftop of the hotel.

Before the workers excused themselves, Yi Fei thanked them so that the situation would not be dead silent. "Thanks, brothers" Yi Fei even gave them a thumb up.

The workers smiled happily and excused themselves. Yi Fei looked at all the food in front of her. She was starving.

"I'm famished. Let's eat" Yi Fei smiled to Wu Chen hoping that Wu Chen will stop being angry and eat with her.

"Didn't you eat your dinner with your BROTHER just now? Wu Chen purposely stressed on the brother part because even though he was glad that Yi Fei was with her right now at the moment, the fact that he got scared earlier did not settle well with him.

"I did go out with him, but I did not get to eat anything. I only managed to drink some orange juice. Do you think that I'll come and find you this early if I managed to eat anything?" Yi Fei knew it. Wu Chen was upset with her.

Wu Chen looked at his watch. Ten minutes before seven. Yi Fei was early. "What did he want to tell you? Did he confess his feeling towards you?"

A loud gasped came from Yi Fei as she was genuinely shocked that Wu Chen knew what happened. "Are you Salem the cat? How did you know that?"

Yi Fei did not want to hide anything from Wu Chen, so she told him everything that happened earlier.


Inside the Sky Restaurant, Bai Jing Ting arrived there first, so he had ordered the food that Yi Fei likes.

Ten minutes after that, Yi Fei arrived at the restaurant with a smile on her face. Bai Jing Ting couldn't take his eyes off Yi Fei. For him, Yi Fei was beautiful. Too beautiful.

"Brother Ting, I'm sorry. It has been a while since I last drive myself. My parking skill sucks. I have to try a few times for the perfect reverse parking" Yi Fei sat down the opposite of Bai Jing Ting.

When Yi Fei said that, Bai Jing Ting couldn't help but get a little angry because Wu Chen had been driving Yi Fei around for quite some time.

"I already ordered your favorite food, let's eat first" Bai Jing Ting ignored Yi Fei's notion about parking skill because he didn't want to remember anything related to Wu Chen at the moment.

The waiter came to bring a glass of orange juice and hot coffee. Yi Fei wanted to drink the coffee, but Bai Jing Ting pushed the orange juice towards her. Yi Fei had to be content with orange juice.

"What is it that you want to tell me? I have something to do later so I couldn't be here long" Yi Fei kept on looking at her watch. Bai Jing Ting gets angrier.

"Are you going to Wu Chen? Can you let him out of your mind for some time?" Bai Jing Ting knew that he was mean but he was angry, he couldn't help it.

Yi Fei flinched because this would be the first time for Bai Jing Ting to speak with a slightly angry tone. She did not like how Bai Jing Ting dragged Wu Chen into this all of a sudden.

Yi Fei sipped her orange juice and became serious. "What is it that you want to tell me? I'm sorry, but I couldn't get Wu Chen out of my mind so please tell me what you want to tell me".

Bai Jing Ting knew that he had made Yi Fei angry. He wanted to wait until the food arrived but now, since Yi Fei was impatient, he had no other choice.

"Fei, do you know I feel about you? Have you ever thought of how I feel about you?" Bai Jing Ting knew what the answer would be, but he wanted to make sure. When he saw that Yi Fei had a blank look on her face, Bai Jing Ting continued talking. "I am in love with you for a long time. A very long time even before…"

Bai Jing Ting wanted to speak more, but Yi Fei suddenly bowed to him. He had to stop talking.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ting. I don't know that you feel such a way towards me, but I don't feel the same way with you. I am very sorry; I couldn't reciprocate your feeling".

Bai Jing Ting felt utterly defeated. He had not finished talking, but he was already rejected. Bai Jing Ting knew that he would get rejected eventually, and he told himself that he would be able to handle it but it is freaking hurt. When he got rejected for real, it was freaking hurt.

"If Wu Chen did not appear, do you think we would be different?" Since it came to this, Bai Jing Ting might as well let out everything on his mind because he was sure everything between Yi Fei and him was sailing smoothly up until Wu Chen appeared. Then everything was ruined.

Yi Fei looked at Bai Jing Ting whom she thought as a brother. For her, Bai Jing Ting was like a brother he never had. Of course, she had John who called himself as her brother, but John acted more like a sister than a brother. So, Bai Jing Ting was the closest person she had as a brother.

She never thought of Bai Jing Ting as more than a brother. To Yi Fei, Bai Jing Ting is like a family and a prince in the workplace. A handsome, rich and cool guy like Bai Jing Ting is more like a prince, and a prince deserved a princess for himself – and Yi Fei never feels like a princess.

Up until she met Wu Chen. If Bai Jing Ting is a prince, then Wu Chen is a king. While Yi Fei never thinks of herself as a princess, Wu Chen made her feel like a queen.

"Even if Wu Chen doesn't appear in front of me, I don't think you, and I would be possible… Because even though Wu Chen was not around before, I am still not attracted towards you the way you feel attracted to me. I only think of you as my brother. I'm sorry."

Yi Fei never broke eye contact with Bai Jing Ting when she rejected her for good. The prince had no answer but sat there stammering, still handsome, but perhaps a less so now that he had nothing to say.

"I'm sorry, Brother Ting but I don't think we can continue having this dinner without feeling awkward" Yi Fei stood up. "I will always remember you as a good brother and a good colleague to me, and I wish I could do so even after all these" Yi Fei stood and walked out from the restaurant.

The food for two arrived right after Yi Fei walked away from the restaurant. Bai Jing Ting did not go after her because it would be pointless; she won't look towards him like the way he wanted her too. Bai Jing Ting took the cutlery, he feels like crying. Rejection hurts like hell.

Bai Jing Ting gobbled the food. He needed to eat so that no matter how precious someone else is to Yi Fei, he could live strong without being broken in half; so that his heart won't be crushed to pieces.


After Yi Fei finished narrating the whole thing to Wu Chen, Wu Chen had a mixed feeling. Happy because Yi Fei was so much in love with him as he is towards her. But then again, his heart aches for Bai Jing Ting.

No matter what happened, Bai Jing Ting used to be his best friend. He wished nothing but the best for Bai Jing Ting. Wu Chen hoped that Bai Jing Ting would find his queen some day.

Wu Chen pushed all the food towards Yi Fei. He patted her head. "Eat a lot; I am going to order some more."

"Are you trying to make me fat? Because you are acting suspiciously right now." Then Yi Fei remembered something. "Chen Chen, should I stay here for a while because Ah Jun and NaNa are having dinner at my house. I don't want to be the third wheel".

When he heard what Yi Fei said, Wu Chen got enraged. Jun Liu, that guy was alone with his sister. He won't let anything happened to them.