In the world of Alterai, there are people who have an affinity for magic. Whether they just pull little tricks, or destroy everything that stands before them, magic in Alterai follows the Seven Trees of Sin. When it was originally discovered, the types of magic were classified by sins because of their demonic origins. They are classed from Tier I to God Tier. No known mortal has obtained beyond Tier IV magic.
The first tree, and the most destructive, is the Ira Tree. It uses the powers of the elements in order to destroy its user's enemies. The tree starts with its most basic spell, Flare. This spell fires off a small spark of flame that can cause a wildfire when hitting flammable materials, and is highly customisable; having eight levels, or 'Tiers' of power. It levels up to Fireball, which is exactly what it says; a ball of fire that burns whatever it touches. Tier III is Dark Flame, a blue fireball that has more power than an ordinary one. Tier IV is Inferno, a large, violet fireball that will incinerate flesh in an instant. Tier V is Hell-Fire, a purple flame that can burn through iron in seconds. Tier VI is Devil's Fire, a black inferno that won't even leave ashes in its wake. Tier VII is Armageddon, a storm of flames that could raze a small town with little effort. Finally, Tier VIII is Satan's Wrath; a cloak of black fire that gets hotter as the user gets angrier, it could easily burn a city if the user is especially wrathful. There is a final spell in the Ira tree, as there is in each tree. It is called Demonic Arts: Nightmare Truth. This final spell gives its user gauntlets of fire that burn anything they touch.
More spells in the Ira tree are:
-Lightning: A flurry of white slashes that tear through material and flesh. Tier II spell.
-Fallen Heaven: A single, large blade is called down from the skies to hit a target. Tier VI spell.
-Explosion: Causes an explosion at the target location, grows based on mana level. Tier III spell.
-White Hell: Causes a storm of lightning strikes on a target location. Tier VII spell.
-Icy Grave: Freezes a 20ft area solid in unbreakable ice. Tier VIII spell.
-Spirit Sword: Jigoku: Summons a flaming blade for the user to wield. Tier IV spell.
Superbia magic is all about control. With it, the user can bend conscious creatures to their will and even negate other spells. Its most basic spell is Suggest, which is capable of swaying a person to perform a small task. At Tier II, it becomes Command; which lets the user tell a target to perform mediocre or lower tasks. Tier III is Dominate, which places a single being under the control of the user. At Tier IV, it will become Control; allowing for control over up to five people. At its final stage; Tier V, it becomes Geas; allowing near unbreakable command over up to fifty people.
Its final skill is Demonic Arts: King's Command. This skill forms a dark crown upon the caster's head that dominates monsters in its vicinity.
More spells in the Superbia Tree are:
-Antimagic Field: A 15ft aura that cancels out other magic. Tier II.
-Pacify: Forces the target to cease any harmful thoughts as long as their will is weak enough. Tier III
-Constrict: Form magical chains around a target to bind them in place. Requires a strong level of mana to break free. Tier II
-Channel: Forces mana into an object. Tier I.
-Unseen Limb: Create a 20ft long, invisible limb that follows the caster's commands. Tier VI
-Puppeteer: Completely control the limbs of a target. Tier VII
Acadia Magic is based primarily on placing the opponent at a disadvantage whilst maintaining your own advantage. Common among magic-wielding thieves and rogues. The most basic spell is Paralyse. This is a spell that sends the target into a state of shock, rendering them unable to react for a few seconds. As it levels up, it extends the duration. It does not evolve like other base spells, but it is powerful nonetheless, with high level Acadia mages being able to use Paralyse for up to one hour. The final skill of Acadia is Demonic Arts: Phantom Steed. This summons twisted shadow boots that increase the user's speed tenfold.
Other spells in the Acadia Tree are:
-Sleep: Put a weak-willed target to sleep for a few seconds. Tier III.
-Energy Drain: Sap the strength from a target, rendering them unable to fight. Tier IV.
-Nap: Make a target feel sleepy, increasing their reaction times. Tier II.
-Heavy Feet: Makes the target feel heavier, draining their stamina quicker. Tier III
-Unwillingness: Makes a target feel unwilling to do anything. Tier II
-Eternal Slumber: Puts a target to sleep. Permanently. Tier VII.
Avaritia Magic is focused on stealing mana and objects from a target. It is especially useful for blood magic, which is forbidden by the Magus Council. Its most basic spell is Drain. This steals a small amount of life-force from a target to heal minor wounds. The skill can evolve up to the fifth tier, becoming stronger and stronger. AT Tier II, it becomes Major Drain. This steals a moderate amount of life-force to heal wounds. At Tier III, it becomes Greater Drain. This steals a large amount of life-force in order to heal large wounds. At Tier IV, it becomes Master Drain. This takes a large amount of life-force and mana to recuperate and heal greatly. Finally, at Tier V, it becomes Life Transfer. This steals all of the target's mana and life-force to bring the caster back from the brink of death. The final skill of Avaritia is Demonic Arts: Royal Tax. This forms a cuirass of shadows that steals mana from anyone within 10ft of the caster.
Other Avaritia spells include:
-Steal: Take an item from a target, can only take visible objects. Tier II.
-Copycat: Copies an ability that works half as effectively as the original. Tier III.
-Perfect Copycat: Like Copycat, but copied ability works exactly like the original. Tier VII.
-Shadowclone: The caster splits into multiple versions of themselves. Tier IV.
-Sanguine Blade: Create a sword out of caster's blood and mana. Tier II.
-Forced Link: Forcefully steal a target's memories, killing weak-willed targets. Tier VIII.
Invidia Magic is primarily used to equal out a fight, removing both advantages and disadvantages. It is mainly used by fighters who use magic. Its most basic spell is Equaliser. This spell forces the target's life-force to become the same as the casters. It only evolves to Tier II, which forces the mana level of the target to become equal too. Its final skill is Demonic Arts: Life-Link. This spell binds two souls together so that if one takes damage, so will the other.
Other Invidia spells are:
-Phantom Clone: Produce a shadow clone of a target, its abilities match with the target. Tier III.
-Overload: The caster absorbs mana up to the target's capacity. If used improperly, the caster will overload and perish from mana poisoning. Tier VI.
-Terraform: Can change the environment to suit a particular situation. Tier II.
-Purify: Removes all buffs and debuffs from both the caster and the target. Tier II.
-Fair Fight: Transforms target weapon into the caster's weapon. Tier IV.
Luxuria Magic is primarily made up of illusions and charms to sway targets. It is often used by tricksters or magically-gifted courtesans to lure targets in. Its primary spell is Dream. This spell projects a target's desires before them. It goes all the way up to Tier VI, with its effect becoming more and more believable every level. The final skill of the Luxuria Tree is Asmodian Call. This spell is capable of completely bewitching a target to follow the caster's every command.
Other Luxuria spells include:
-Phantom Kiss: The caster blows a kiss that places a 'love potion' effect on the target. They will fall for the first thing they see. Tier VI.
-Devilish Wiles: Makes the caster look charming to those with weak wills. Tier III.
-Cursed Lips: Plant a kiss on a target that cripples them immensely. Tier IV.
-Desire Burst: Make a target succumb completely to their desires and go berserk. Tier VI.
-Caring Touch: Heal minor wounds simply by touching the wounded area. Tier II.
Gula Magic is the centre of Blood Magic, an art that is forbidden by the Magus Council. Whilst it is forbidden, it is used alongside Necromancy, in order to make the undead stronger. Gula uses up the caster's or a target's life-force in order to cast a multitude of different spells. Its most basic spell is Boost. This absorbs a target's life-force and transforms it into whatever energy necessary. At higher tiers, it absorbs life-force quicker and in a purer concentration. The final skill of Gula is by far the most dangerous one, Ultimate Boost. This spell sacrifices the life-force of the caster and anyone in a two metre radius to provide a huge burst of fighting power. If used improperly, the caster could die from using all of their life up.
Other Gula spells include:
-Devouring Shield: Absorbs the mana of anything that attacks the caster, turning it into a scarlet shield. Tier V.
-Consume: Absorbs the life, mana, and memories of any who cannot resist the caster. Sometimes, their abilities transfer to the caster. Tier VII.
-Raise Undead: Take command of a soul that hasn't left its body and summon it as an Undead. Tier VI.
-Feed Undead: Gift caster's life-force to an Undead in order to rapidly boost its powers. Tier VI.
-Bloody Blast: Fire off all collected life-force as a massive attack. Tier VII.
That is the summary of the Seven Trees of Sin. There are rumours of other trees, that were created by mortals, but none have been found as of yet. There are also many unique skills that do not fit into any of the trees, and are simply labelled as unique skills.