Mountain Range

"Ohhh no, not this again"

As soon as he stood up, June realized that his headache has once again surfaced in his mind. The pain has again increased by about twenty five percent.

Before sleeping the pain in June's head was fifteen percent and after waking it increased to forty percent.

"Hey Tinum, I hope that this has nothing to do with you!" June said to the platinum eyed snakelet who was still looking at him like it could not understand what June was saying, while blinking its tiny little eyes.

With no other choice June looked back at the tree filled with those silver eyed predators.

June put the little Tinum on his shoulder and then with one step at a time climbed back onto the tree.

This time he picked up nine fruits, and fortunately no silver eyed snake interfered in his fruit picking but the awkward staring could not be helped. Then he slowly climbed back down and looked at Tinum who was chilling on his shoulders.

"Let's hope this much will keep me going for the day. Time to look for some water source now, but before that let's have a bite."

After that he started his breakfast by munching on those delicious red fruits. When you are having a hungry headache in the morning, and there is not much on the jungle menu, every fruit that you can get your hands on will become the most delicious food that you have ever tasted.

This time he ate four of them and kept the rest of the fruits for the day. There were five red fruits left with him, which he kept in a temporary leaf pouch that he made with his less than ordinary miscellaneous skills.

After eating the fruits, this time his headache decreased even further than the day before. This time the headache went down from forty percent straight to ten percent.

"That helps, I just can't wait to get rid of this pain in my.." then he saw little Tinum staring at him.

"Obviously not you little buddy"

While June was moving away from the tree, he slowed down to notice the reaction of the Tinum but Tinum looked even less interested in the tree than him.

Then with Tinum on his shoulder and fruits in his leaf pouch, June started to walk further from the tree in search of a water source.

Looking at the terrain June noticed that they were actually in a small plane with less area, surrounded by the small hills from all sides. Upon looking further behind the hills, he could figure out that there were green mountains and behind those green mountains there were even bigger mountains, whose height reached the clouds and he could faintly see the white layer covering the high altitude areas of those bigger mountains.

"Looks like we are at the beginning of a mountain range"

"Luckily where there are icy mountains there are glaciers, and where there are glaciers, there are always rivers flowing down the mountains, right in between the valleys. So, all we have to do is look for a valley and we can find our water source." June thought in his mind.

June started walking toward the mountains while carefully looking around for any sound of river flowing or more importantly any dangerous wild animals. Just because he was feeling comfortable does not mean that there was no need to be alert.

He started his journey in the morning with walking and slowly the walking became trekking.

Luckily, he had the company of cute little Tinum, and he was not in a hurry. When he got hungry, he ate the red fruits.

June met quite a few hares on the way, and also saw a few snakes here and there but no dangerous animals of any kind.

By the time of afternoon, they had travelled a distance quite further away from the tree. Luckily, his efforts did not go in vain, because during some point of time in the afternoon June started to hear a faint noise of water splashing on the rocks.

June hastened his steps and, in a few minutes, he saw a stream of water flowing in a valley between the two hills. Water fell from a height of around seven to eight meters making a small pond in the stream.

This kind of small waterfalls are actually very common in the mountain river streams.

"Thankfully we found this water stream because there is only one red fruit left in the leaf pouch." June said to himself.