The Zeroth Sense

First let us understand the meaning of quantification. As the word says 'Quanti-fication' means giving quantity to something. Even giving a specific name or number to a person, animal, plant or a thing is supposed to be quantification.

Suppose you have many cattle in your barn, but you do not know exactly how many are there.

In the beginning there were a few so you could just name them and there was not much work required in order to manage them, but after some time once their number grew very large, they became very difficult to manage.

So, what is the first step that you would take in order to managing them properly?

Very simple, you would start counting, and give numbers to each of the different cattle. This is known as quantification, giving quantity or simply giving number to the cattle.

Yes, there are some very complicated definitions given to the word 'Quantum' which involves wavelengths and frequencies making it look out of this world, but in the end is it not simple counting?

Now what would you do if you want to quantify the universe?

What would you start counting?

The answer to that was "Quantum Dot".

Scientists say that this is an ever expanding universe, so let us move back in time and then take a look at the universe.

As we reverse the time, the universe will start compressing and compressing until...

Until the clock hits zero.

Then what you will get, will be termed as "The Quantum Dot".

"That blue dot!" exclaimed June.

At this point June suddenly realized that the blue dot that he can see in the center of his vision when he closes his eyes is that same Quantum Dot about which he had written in his research paper "Quantum Conversion".

"But it was just a hypothesis, I never really thought that something like Quantum dot could actually be manifested in real life"

"And don't tell me that this 'comprehension' was that same headache that had never left me ever since I came to these unknown lands."

"Things are starting to make a little sense, but why in the world am I getting this feeling that I am standing on the tip of an iceberg?" June could not stop himself from wondering for a long time.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at the little Tinum on his left shoulder who was looking directly at June right in his eyes.

"So, this is somehow related to you too"

"No worries, we will find that in due time" After that June once again relaxed his mind and calmed his nerves.

Once again, he closed his eyes and focused on the blue dot and continued reading rest of the notifications.

"What is this 'Zeroth Sense'?" June said in his mind.

The second he said 'Zeroth Sense', his focus automatically transferred onto the sensory status window.


SIGHT: 0.1


SMELL: 0.1

TASTE: 0.21

TOUCH: 0.13


"This is nice, there is actually the voice command function. It will come in handy during the right time."

He took a look at the sensory status.

"These are my senses all right, but what does these numbers signify?" June wondered in his mind

Taking a careful look at the various numbers that were written after each sense that June possessed, June remembered that these are actually the 'fractional ratios'.

In other words, if each of these number is written in fraction, they will represent the percentage of increment from a total of hundred units.

Which means that '0.1' represents ten percent increment, '0.21' represents twenty one percent increment, and '0.13' represents thirteen percent increment.

"I think this is it, these digits represent the increase in the sensitivity of the senses" June took a guess in his mind.

Notations like these were very commonly used during the research that June did in the "Quantum Conversion" research paper.

What are senses?

Sense is different from a sensory organ. It can be said that the sense is created by the sensory organs, but it is not the same thing.

Let's consider for a second that our body is a computer.

Now in a simple computer there are three main components, which can be named as Input devices, output devices and the Central Processing Unit or CPU, which together make up a computer system.

Input devices like mouse and keyboard feed data into the central processing unit and then after making suitable changes to the data, it is sent further to the output devices like monitor and speaker which in turn display this data back to the user in the form of pictures and sound.