A Hypothesis

The head elder had also noticed the platinum color in the eyes of Tinum, that was slightly different than its other siblings' silver colored eyes.

When the village head elder asked him about his poison immunity, June calmly replied "I don't know. Born like this".

June kept his answers short and simple without any unnecessary complications.

"There is no use in losing the mystery element that Tinum has given me." June thought in his mind.

The village head elder also asked about his unique hair color, after all this was the first time the elder had seen azure colored hair.

To this question June simply replied that it happened after he first ate the red fruit.

After listening to his answers, the half confused elder became fully confused, but he did not ask any further about it. None the less he was still amazed with June's abilities after all even with all his years of life experience, he had never seen or met anyone like June.

When the conversation ended, June politely asked elder to give him half an hour of rest before he let anyone else inside the wooden hut. June had already guessed that there were other people waiting just outside the door, listening to their conversation.

"Okay no one will disturb your rest for half an hour" replied the head elder politely in his own language.

"You have my gratitude", June still kept the conversation formal.

As the Hason Soma left the small hut, June finally had enough time to reanalyze the happenings that had taken place while he was dreaming.

Then he put his back against the wall of the hut and sat comfortably. While sighing in his heart he closed his eyes.

Upon closing his eyes, he noticed that the blue dot was still there, right in the center of his dark vision, same as before, but this time it had stopped flickering and the message "Comprehension is the Key" that he had seen before was also nowhere to be seen.

He focused on that blue dot and it slowly expanded and turned into the series of notifications. It was very strangely controlled by his focus.

For example, our eyes are capable of looking up, down, left and right, but at the same time they can also focus forward and backward. Forward when we have to look at something that is far away from us and backward when we want to see something that is closer to us.

In the same way when he focused forward on the blue dot it magnified and the notification appeared in front of him. Those were the same notifications that came to his mind while he was dreaming.

"This looks like an independent three dimensional space." June felt amazed.

So, using the focus of his closed eyes he navigated through the notifications one by one. He suddenly stopped at one of the notifications and his mind started to tremble. His heart rate increased, further increasing the blood flow in his veins. For a second, June almost lost his focus.

"Quantum dot?"

At this moment June was really surprised. The reason for his surprise was the "QUANTUM DOT ACTIVATED" notification in front of his eyes.

When his research was completed, it was titled "Quantum conversion", but converting mass into energy was just a small part of the complete theory of his research paper.

It became more popular than the rest of his research because June was awarded the Nobel Prize only for this part of his research and the rest of his research was overshadowed by this.

Let's take Albert Einstein, who was not awarded Nobel Prize for "General theory of relativity" or "Special theory of relativity", which were the two major research papers published by him that involved most of his research, but rather Albert Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize for only a specific small part of it. That part was the "Law of the Photo electric Effect".

June's research covered many topics, had many formulas, theorems, derivations, different assumptions and also various hypothesis.

What is a hypothesis?

There are uncountable number of hypothesis in the world. In a way, every religion, every idea about God, the religious texts, ancient archeological manuscripts, and even the religious books that contained all of their knowledge are considered a hypothesis in the world of Science.

An unproven explanation, an idea with no real facts to prove it, an assumption with no real basis. The Big Bang Theory is one of the many hypotheses regarding the origin of universe, but they are all just ideas formed from the limited knowledge at hand.

'Quantum Dot' was one such hypothesis in his research paper of 'Quantum Conversion'.