Being Human

That is because it is processed in 'heat', but what does this 'heat' have anything to do with the sense of 'Taste'?

Yes, it does because heat is also a form of energy, which enters into the food material while cooking and increases its digestive capabilities, making it easy to digest and consume for our body but only for a short period of time, until the food remains hot.

Yes, that is right, the cooking will only increase the taste and smell of the food for a relatively short amount of time, after which it will become even worse than before.

As everyone knows, a cooked piece of meat will decay much faster than the raw piece of meat when both are kept in the open environment or in even simpler words,

which one would you prefer to eat if you have been hungry for almost a day, but you only have to select between a day old french fries and a day old tomato?

In the end it is all about the ability of our body to consume and digest, and 'Taste' is the sense that our body uses in order to indicate that if the body will be able to digest the food that we are giving it or not.

That is why our sense of taste deteriorates during the time of fever, when our body is not feeling well, because during the time of bad stomach or fever our body is telling us to give it something to consume only if it is easy to digest, otherwise it will push it back out directly from your mouth, or even worse, from your behind.

So, in simple words, we can say that the taste determines the body's capability to consume or digest and then turn it into a part of our body, but in some cases, it actually can be very simple to fool the body and its sense of taste.

Just like in the case of June.

While noticing the piece of red poisonous fruit slowly being dissolved by the enzymes that were present in his saliva, all these thoughts were constantly going on in the mind of June.

It can be said that he had a kind of little epiphany about the sense of 'Taste' while he was lost inside his thoughts.

"Yes, that is right"

"After all, the digestion starts as soon as the food enters the mouth, and tasting is the very first step in the beginning of our digestion, but in some cases due to this sense of 'Taste', we are able to fool the body into making it digest and consume something that is not good for it."

"Just like in this case of the poisonous red fruit, my sense of taste is telling me that it is very easy to digest and consume by the body, but it will not tell me if it is good for my body and its health or not."

"No doubt the people became fat and obese after eating the 'still tasty' but totally unhealthy junk food and then started suffering from all kinds of heart and other health related diseases." June sighed in his heart while remembering his past.

As the technological developments happened during his time, the humans had developed the ability to fool the five senses and thus lost the meaning of their real purpose about why these were developed by our body of human beings in the race of evolution among the fellow animals.

Like television is able to fool the sense of 'Sight' and 'Hearing' of a human because now he would prefer to look at the nature, not directly with his eyes but instead while staring at a box of wires known as "the screen" that makes a fool out of his eyes in every possible way that one can imagine.

Sound Speakers, from which one can hear the same kind of music, that we like over and over again until we kill every bit of fun from it, finally making it so boring that no matter how good it is we will not prefer to listen to it again.

Let's not even talk about the thrill of live acoustic music, with its infinite variations and possibilities of the flow, that had already long drowned in the river of time becoming a thing of past, and now the music is only as good as the sound system or the speakers that are playing it.

In fact, the human beings had developed the ability to fool their sense of taste the moment they had used the fire to cook the food, especially the meat during the early ages of first discovering the fire.

It can not be helped, after all, these are the main things that makes us human.