A Dumb Genius

In such cases, if the mental capacity of the child is normal, then usually there are two kinds of results that are seen in the daily life.

First result would be that, in order to decrease the burden of the analysis from his mind, the brain of the child will choose to ignore the orderly and the reasoning portion of the problem and only focus on the emotional and the materialistic part of the problem.

In such case, he would have a high probability of becoming a bully during his childhood.

Second result would be that in order to compensate for the burden of overloading, the brain of the child would choose to ignore the emotional and the behavioral part of the problem and only learn from the defined and ordered part of the problem, and thus suppressing his own materialistic desires which could be harmful for himself.

In this case, they would have a very high tendency of becoming an antisocial outcast, or in other words, everyday 'nerds'.

But there is a totally different case in which the mental capacity of the child is big enough to process and analyze the whole complete problem by itself without needing any help of the prior experience.

And then a unique situation would arise in which the child would be able to become independent from both the cases.

In other words, according to his own wishes, the child would be able to become an extrovert while being an introvert at the same time, he could become an antisocial outcast nerd while being a bully at the same time, and this would all happen according to his own wish and not anyone else's will, because his brain could process the whole situation differently and on a larger scale than the others.

And his scope of picturizing the whole image, even of a simple everyday situation would be much larger than any normal child.

In simple words he would be perceived by the world as a kind of a 'dumb genius'.

Such unique cases are much more common than what most of the people normally think.

And they can occur almost every day in our daily lives, hidden within the plane sight, right in front of our eyes.

It's just that most of the times, they themselves do not have any kind of idea about this, since nobody had ever told before about this kind of situation.

And let's not forget that this whole process is subconscious in nature and only the results could be seen in the real life so, they think that this is normal just like for everyone.

Now, considering the existence of the Quantum Dot, June had created another fourth case, in which his mental analytical capability was constantly rising along with his senses with the help of the quantum dot, so his case was not yet defined, as this kind of thing was never seen before in the practical world.

So, when his mind deduced the various scenarios regarding the 'poisoning of the water' in the river stream, June himself didn't even know that how he felt regarding this abnormal situation.

'Should he tell anyone about this? Should he warn the villagers about poison in the river water? Would they believe him, an outsider? Should I help them?'

If it was earlier, such questions would have completely occupied his mind for a very long time, which could directly affect his future actions in a bad way, after all this was not a game but real life and having a weak mind is exponential times worse than having a weak body.

But now, after once again confirming the poisonous tendency of the water that was in the river stream with his 'TASTE INDICATOR', he quietly went back to his belongings and started to look around the bushes in search of the little Tinum.

Then he wore his clothes back and after he had collected all of his belongings, he noticed the little Tinum nearby, who was already waiting by the side of his belongings.

June then opened his palms and kept it in front of the little Tinum on the ground and from where he climbed up to the June's left shoulder all by himself.

"Well, someone is getting smarter", said June with a smile, while looking at the little Tinum coiled on his left shoulder.

After that, he collected all of the eight fishes that he had caught from the river stream and hung them on a string made from another hanging branch of a tree and started to walk back in the direction of the setting sun, directly towards the Soma Village.