Understandable Reaction

After all, they had never properly met before, and he was just a unique stranger to her. So, in her case, like any normal teenage girl would feel a little strange when suddenly given too much blunt attention and especially when every one of the people standing around her, which included some elders as well, was kind of a relative or a family friend who directly knew her.

As he had raised the wooden plate with the aromatic delicious grilled fish on it, suddenly all of the commotion stopped and for a moment the crowd had turned completely silent.

At this moment a few words in the language of the Soma village came out of June's mouth.

"As a thank for saving me from drowning in the river"

Although the voice of June was not loud in any way but each word that came out of his mouth was spelled distinct and could be heard in a very calm and clear sound.

Then while keeping the eye contact and the smile, as he finished his words, he put down the raised wooden plate with the grilled fish on it back on the ground, and then slowly moved his eyes towards the fifth grey fish coated in a different flavored spice, that was next in line for the grilling session.

After that he carried on with his cooking procedure, without taking another look at the direction of the crowd.

By the time, the fifth grey fish was about to be completely grilled, a light smile showed up on his face which was turned in the direction of the fire, where the fish was being grilled at the moment.

The reason for that smile was simple.

It was because he could hear the sound of the movement of exactly three pairs of footsteps that were moving straight in the direction of his location.

Actually, he had not thought about how he would invite those particular people that he wanted to meet. That was until he saw the younger daughter of the head elder whose name was Misa Soma standing within the crowd near him.

Otherwise it would have been very awkward for him if he would have to leave the grilled fishes here and then go look for the head elder, or in other case, June would have to directly ask someone to invite them here for the feast as it would look impolite to them because at the moment, everyone would love to have a bite of those grilled fishes that were placed on those wooden plates and not just some special people.

June understood the common response of a normal shy teenage girl in the case when she suddenly got too much attention, she would be to instinctively look in his surroundings, particularly in the direction of someone that she either trusted or was afraid of, who was present near him in that particular situation.

It can be a best friend, elder sister or even other people that are important to her.

June did not remove his attention from the fish that was being grilled on the skewer in his hands, even after he could hear those three pairs of footsteps stop near his location.

Only after the grey fish was completely grilled, June carefully kept it on the fifth wooden plate and then looked at the family of three people that was standing in front of him, which included the head elder Hason Soma and his two daughters Nisa and Misa Soma standing on his either sides.

June looked at them with a simple smile on his face and said

"Please, make yourself comfortable. It will take a little more time to finish grilling the rest of the three fishes, and until then feel free to take a look."

Then he looked at the elder daughter of the head elder, whose name was Nisa Soma and said,

"It would be nice if your husband could join us too, after all I still have not thanked him for the axe and knife that he had given me in the morning."

After hearing the June's intentions, Nisa could not help but smile give a simple reply with a slight nod and then she went towards the direction of the soma village to find her husband Maka Soma.

While the head elder Hason Soma along with his younger daughter sat down by the side of the fire that was burning near June without saying anything, but on the opposite side of the little Tinum, while quietly waiting patiently for June to finish roasting the rest of the fishes.