Expected Surprise

Within a few minutes, Nisa returned along with her husband Maka Soma, and by that time June had already finished grilling all of the eight fishes on the big tray, and which were now placed on the eight wooden plates that were placed neatly around the big tray in a circular decorated pattern.

And on the big tray, there were four small bowls that were evenly placed right in the middle and these small bowls were half filled with the four different types of unique aromatic spices combined from mixing those four herbs that he had selected from the forest.

At this moment, there were a total of five people and one Shadow Leaf Serpent infant quietly sitting around the fire that June had prepared in the night.

June was the first one to break the silence by saying to the rest of the four people.

"Feel free to choose any of these eight fishes that suits your liking"

"Consider it as a token of my gratitude to the Soma Village for taking care of me"

As June said that, finally the stiff expressions on the faces of the four people who were sitting in front of him immediately relaxed a little. After all, originally he had only invited the Misa to eat and the rest of them had just tagged along with her.

And almost immediately the plates containing the two of the most spicy flavored grilled fishes were instantly picked by the younger sister Misa Soma and the elder sister Nisa Soma.

After the women had finished picking, Maka Soma had an awkward expression on his face, it looked like either he was embarrassed of their actions, or instead he wanted to eat that spiciest grilled fish himself that both of them had already picked instantly.

So, he could only pick the plate with the second most spicy grilled grey fish.

After that, the village head elder picked the one with the least amount of hot spice with smooth and cream like flavor.

Then they immediately started eating their selected dishes without taking another look at the June who was a little amazed while watching them eat.

"It looks like they were really hungry" June thought within his mind.

After taking a few bites, only the head elder looked back at the June with a little embarrassment that could not be missed was clearly visible in his expressions.

Hason Soma replied frankly, "I seriously did not expect you to be able to gather all the materials in just a single day and prepare such a delicious meal with the simple river fish, that we eat here almost every day. We thought that you would come to us in order to ask for some food."

"But instead this is the most delicious dish that I have ever tasted in all of my lifetime."

June was a little surprised to hear such high remarks from the head elder Hason Soma, but then he suddenly remembered one particular characteristic of the four herbs that he had selected from the jungle.

Each of those herbs had a value greater than sixty as shown by the June's 'TASTE INDICATOR', which had almost reached the level of healthy and very easy to digest instead of just being spicy in flavor.

Otherwise, normally spices are harder to digest when used in excess, but not these ones.

After the head elder was finished with his words, almost immediately his elder daughter Nisa Soma looked at her father and said

"Yes, these are actually even more tasty than the best foods that I have tasted before in the 'Kusoma Village', it's like their best cooked dishes when compared to ours."

Then she looked in the direction of June and asked "where did you get these spices from? Had you kept them hidden somewhere before because they were surely not with you when we had first found you. Is this some kind of a special recipe from your home town?"

To her questions June simply smiled in her direction and said in a relaxed but truthful tone, "No".

"Actually, I had found them while roaming around the area that was near the tree with the red fruit, where I found my friend little Tinum."

The mouths of all of the four people immediately stopped moving and they directly stared at June and then at the little Tinum. It looked like their mind was working very hard in order to prepare next series of words into a question that they could ask June in order to make any sense out of his answer.