A Village Girl

Ever since June's speed of mental analysis had increased with the help of the Quantum Dot, his ability to observe various things, including the tiniest of the minute details about the things that were present around him has also increased.

That also included observing and analyzing the various memories of his childhood as well.

Ever since his early childhood, there were many instances when he used to visit the country side along with his parents in order to get some fresh air away from all the traffic and the populated culture of the city life.

And one thing that June could very clearly derive or remember from his past memories was that usually the girls would get married pretty quickly at a very early age in the village families.

In many cases the marriage is usually fixed at a very young age of around ten to twelve or maybe even earlier and then the marriage takes place around when they are fourteen or max sixteen when they leave their own houses to live the family of their spouse.

That was the main reason for June's confusion when he saw that the age of the younger daughter of the head elder was almost approaching his own age but she still was not married yet as he could not see his husband anywhere around in the village.

"Ohh well, it's not like I would get all the answers today itself and it's not like this concerns me that much but still I think that if I am patient enough, I will get all of the answers in the due time."

June thought to himself while realizing that although being curious is very important but sometimes ignorance is equally important for the state of mind to be patient enough to not affect the decision making in any negative way.

After the four people had left, June was left alone with the little Tinum lying lazily on his left shoulder and the fire that was almost about to go out, and even the crowd had dispersed some time ago.

June took some smaller pieces of dried firewood from his side and put them in the fire and once again it picked up some heat while at the same time a little sigh left the June's mouth as he could finally relax a little after a hard day's work.

"Too much had happened today, and I don't think that I have ever walked this much in a single day in my whole life.

Now that I carefully think about it, if it was not for the help of Quantum Dot in enhancing my abilities, I don't think that either of my brain or the body would have enough ability to make me keep my eyes open till now,

but right now, maybe it is the adrenaline rush or something other than that I don't know about yet, I actually feel almost no tiredness or any kind of fatigue in my body, neither mentally nor physically.

It's like my almost half of my day is still left and it's just afternoon"

You see, the best thing about a human mind is that it is actually a very smart organ, in fact the fastest and the smartest organ in our physical body but the problem is that it already knows that it is the smartest one, and just like any other smart person it has its own unique way of working which makes it different from any other organ inside our body.

So, what happens when you order a very smart person to do things in such a way that it seems a very dumb method to him?

There would be one of the two main possibilities that could happen.

First one is that he leaves the job for the others to perform and take his leave to rest and chill out, and the second one is that he would get frustrated and angry and would do the job that was assigned to him in an even dumber and bad way and hence, both of these methods can be very dangerous for your job when that smart person is actually your own brain.

Ever thought why an overpowered, over muscular, big sized green skinned man is always so angry all the time?

Then a question comes that what is the best way to make your own brain work for you?

It's simple, just ask your brain what it would love to do the most and then let you brain do it. After all no one gets bored or tired in any way when they are asked to do what they love to do all the time.