Let It Dream

Then what do you think that our brain might love to do?

The answer is not as bad as one might think, it's actually pretty simple too.

It just loves to 'dream'.

Speaking in the exact words, it loves to construct dreams.

Our brain has the supernatural ability to properly take in the input data from each of our five sensory organs in the form of electric current and then use that data to make a film or a movie inside our head that we can replay from any angle that we can think possible or what we may think impossible, and in the particular case of a dream usually our brain creates the perfect realistic scenario from a first person perspective, and that would from the point of view of your own eyes.

In the case of June, his brain had the most favorite toy that any brain or a child or a man or a woman could ever ask for in this universe, a toy that one would never ger bored of playing with.

That is another one just like him, that can do all the same things that he can do.

Just like the human brain, Quantum dot was also able to take all the input data from the five sensory organs that were present in the June's body and process all that information by quantifying it.

And as far as dreaming was concerned, our brain doesn't need to be exactly in the state of sleep in order to dream, after all what could be a better thing than a dream if you could just share it with someone else who is just like you.

"I can not waste any more time"

"It's almost time for the next step"

Then after taking a careful look around himself, he closed his eyes and opened his SENSORY STATUS WINDOW.



SIGHT: 0.14


SMELL: 0.27

TASTE: 0.64

TOUCH: 0.59


June saw that after he had done all those experiments with the herbs collected from the forest in order to create the four combination of spices, and also while catching the grey fish using his amplified sense of "TOUCH" which had helped June in increasing his sense of "TASTE", "SMELL" and "TOUCH" by a good amount whereas his sense of "SIGHT", and "HEARING" had also shown the signs of a little increment as well.

With his eyes closed, he did not immediately get started with his comprehension, but instead he took some time to get all of his actions, that he had done since he came here and all of the other events that had happened with him, together in a single uniform line.

This was a habit that he was used to doing ever since the beginning of his high school.

Normally in a student's everyday life, he would have a tendency to repeat most of his basic actions everyday like waking up at the same time, eating at lunch time, studying at the same time during the same classes with the same teachers, meeting and playing at the same time at the same park or the playground and usually with the same friends either during the morning or the evening time, and all this repetition makes it a little bit easy for our brain to remember and keep track of the various actions that would normally happen every day in the daily life.

But after the high school starts, suddenly many habits and almost the whole life style of the student starts to change tremendously because of all the new and interesting kinds of knowledge and information starts to suddenly enter into the life of a high school which include both good kind and the bad kind and, in some cases, the very bad kinds of knowledge as well.

Hence, during this transition period in the life of a high school student, it becomes very difficult for his brain to keep a proper track of his or her ever changing personality, habits, and various other physical and mental developments.

During that time, in order to tackle this problem, the June had created a habit that was only unique to himself in order to deal with all of this extra influx of both good and bad kinds knowledge and information that he was getting during, and as well as after, his high school years.

Every time too many different things happened to him, he would just take a little time to draw an imaginary line inside his mind with no fixed length, no color, just a simple line, and it doesn't even need to be straight.