Solid Liquid & Heat

And after confirming that he could directly inhale the smoke coming out of the burning purple leaf without any backlash from his lungs, June picked up rest of the purple leaves that were left by his side and threw all of them directly into the fire that was burning right in front of him.

After throwing all of the purple leaves directly into the fire, June closed his eyes and activated his heightened sense of "SMELL", and slowly huge amount of smoke came out of the fire after burning those purple leaves which overshadowed all of the of the odors that were currently present in the air.

And in that next moment, June took a deep breath from that big cloud of smoke, which directly entered straight into the June's lungs through his nose.

Then slowly with every passing minute, his mind went deeper and deeper into a trance and all of the unnecessary thoughts slowly dispersed while at the same time only one question remained within his focus.

"What is this smell?"

Earlier when June was trying to comprehend the other three senses of "TASTE", "TOUCH" and "SIGHT", June had noticed some special relative characteristics that were directly affecting the working of these three senses, especially the sense of "TASTE" and "TOUCH".

Upon noticing this unique relationship very carefully, June found out that the actual simple sense of 'Touch' is nothing but a 'solid state' based characteristic.

If something is more 'solid' in the nature of its physical state, then the more easily our sense of 'Touch' will be able to detect or feel it.

And if the same thing becomes 'liquid' or a 'fluidic' in nature, although our sense of 'Touch' will still be able to detect it and we would be able to touch that 'liquid' but at the same time the feeling of 'Touch' would be elastic in nature and not as accurately and properly defined as it was when it was 'solid' in its physical state.

And if by any case that same thing further changes its form into a 'gaseous state' or 'air', our sense of Touch' will become further deteriorated and inaccurate in order to properly sense it and although we would be able to feel it moving but at the same time that feeling of 'Touch' would be almost negligible when compared to the case when the same thing was in a 'liquid' or a 'solid' state.

From this inference, June could understand inn very simple terms that more a thing is solid, more easily his sense of 'Touch' will be able to sense it.

Similarly, in the case of his sense of "TASTE", June also sensed a similar type of correlation with the type of state, of a particular object that needs to be sensed.

When any kind of 'solid' food enters our body through our mouth, the first thing that our body does with that food is that it uses all the saliva that is created within our mouth in order to dissolve that food by converting it into a 'liquid state'.

And only after the food is converted into the liquid state only at that point of time our body is able to sense the 'Taste' of that particular food through the tongue. Since our body is able to absorb the food only after the food had been converted into the 'liquid state' first, hence our sense of 'Taste' would not work if the food is not in a 'liquid'.

So, in simple words, in order for our sense of 'Taste' to work properly, the food material that needs to be tasted should be first converted into the 'liquid' state by mixing it with saliva. Only then would our sense of 'Taste' would be able to detect its taste and function properly.

In a similar way, our sense of "SMELL" is also related to a particular characteristic but it is a little bit unique in this department.

The particular thing that affects the sense of 'Smell' the most, is actually not the 'type of physical state' of the object that needs to be smelled, but instead a totally unique characteristic affects the "SMELL" of an object, that is totally independent from the solid, liquid, or gaseous state of the object.

The characteristic that affects our sense of "SMELL" the most is actually the amount of 'HEAT' energy present within that object.

It is very easily explainable with the simple fact that can be most commonly noticed while the food is in the process of being cooked.

The fact is that, as the heat within the food increases, its intensity of 'Smell' also starts to directly increase at an equal rate, but at the same time what most of the people ignore is that, this is not the only case where the 'smell' is directly related to the 'heat'.