The 'Smell' of our own body human body directly increases when the temperature of our physical body starts to rise.

For example, during the time of exercise, workout or in the simple case of running, our body starts to become sweaty and the levels of our body 'odor' or 'Smell' starts to rise, but the thing is that our body starts to sweat only when the 'Heat' levels inside our body rises and it in turn needs some cooling through sweating.

For all the living beings with two physical genders, during their breeding seasons, particularly in the case of animals, the bodies of both the male and female of same species would start to emit a particular type of 'smell', which also acts as a signal that the mating season for their particular species had begun and their physical bodies are ready for the process of breeding.

And in such normal cases, the particular term that is used to describe the particular animal whose body emits that intense 'Smell' is that "The body of this animal is in Heat".

Where as in other very simple cases, the only sense of our body that is extremely sensitive to burning is our sense of 'Smell'. Our noses are able to detect the smell of something burning far too easily and quickly even from a greater distance than any of the other four senses.

But it would be very irrelevant to say that the 'Heat' is the only particular characteristic that determines our ability to sense the 'Smell'.

Since the earliest of times, animals have been using this sense of 'Smell' as a form of locating system or in simple words, as a live GPS.

Animals such as snakes, sharks, dogs, polar bears and even the dinosaurs, used their sense of "SMELL" in order to find their prey during the hunt.

Land animals such as Lions, Tigers, Wolves and even dogs indirectly use this sense of their own 'Smell' to fix and mark the location of their territories.

Flowers produce various types of fragrances that indirectly uses the sense of 'Smell' of various other insects, fishes, birds, animals and as well as humans in order to attract them to carry on their pollen grains for the process of pollination in order to reproduce.

But these are all just the different types of methods and uses of "SMELL", but what is the actual meaning of Smell?

When we smell something pleasant like fresh air, then our body reacts instinctively by taking a deep breath in order to greedily inhale that pleasant and fresh smell, for example the scent of a perfume.

Similarly, in the case when our nose smells something unpleasant, we start to cough and then our hand reacts instinctively by blocking our nose and preventing that smell from getting inside our lungs, for example the smell of decaying food, or a dead body.

What makes our body react so differently on those two simple types of smell?

The reason for that is in fact very similar to the sense of "Taste" that is the ability of our body to absorb something that it takes in.

The only difference is that while using the sense of "Taste", we absorb through our stomach whereas using "Smell", we absorb through our lungs.

You would not eat any food when you know that your body will not be able to digest it, no matter how tasty the food is.

In a similar way you would instinctively not inhale anything that your lungs would not be able to absorb and your body would automatically start expelling it out by the means of coughing, for example when the water goes inside our lungs, we would instinctively start to cough.

So, in simple words the sense of "SMELL" tells us about the amount of gas that our lungs can easily absorb directly into our body, but it would not indicate whether the gas that is being absorbed is harmful for our body or not.

As these thoughts were flowing through the mind of June, suddenly a blue number that June had been waiting for, appeared right in front of the dark closed eyed vision of his heightened sense of "SMELL".

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As soon as this number appeared, June slowly opened his eyes and a small smile appeared on his face.

For the next step, he moved his face closer to the burning fire, where the normal firewood smoke was being emitted.

Then he carefully inhaled a small amount of the smoke that was being emitted from the fire and at the same time he activated his own amplified sense of "SMELL", and at the very next moment another blue number popped up right in front of his closed eye view.

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