Pink Forest

We walked further and further away from the infirmary until even the huts and other buildings started to become scarce. It then occurred to me that I had no idea where we were going- my base of operations revolved around my hut, the infirmary, my clearing, and the food area. Oh, I also knew where the forest where we met that high-level demon cultivator was, but we were now moving in the opposite direction... and we had flown there.

I took a deep breath and realized that I couldn't keep playing around anymore. I couldn't avoid the truth which I had so desperately been avoiding until now.

I was in a different world.

My sister had died.

I had most likely died.

And chances were that I would die once more... unless I got serious. Did I really want to live? Maybe it would be better if I just let go...

"Senior brother," junior brother's voice broke me out of my reverie, and I looked up at his stern face. "What are you thinking about?"

I blanked for a few seconds before I broke out into a beaming smile. "Nothing, nothing!" I patted his back forcefully before I laughed heartily.


I needed to be a hero. And heroes didn't die.

Turning my attention back to junior brother, I noticed that we were going further and further away from our sect. Lifting my gaze upwards, I noticed that we were heading towards a different forest. That was entirely pink.

"What the actual f*ck?" I muttered, entirely weirded out. I stopped right before the threshold of the forest, the hot pink tree tops and explosive dark neon pink tree trunks a literal poison to my eyes.

Junior brother, on the other hand, acted as if nothing was wrong. He plunged into the forest without even a backwards glance.

Okay. That meant that this was normal. F*ck my life.

[System has detected Substance %?@!$.]

The demon poison? Where?!

I frantically looked around. There was nothing different from my surroundings. There was still a pink forest before me, and a regular clearing behind me. Nothing could have the demon poison unless...

I glanced back at the forest and a grim look slowly appeared on my features.

It was in the forest.

"Senior brother!" junior brother popped his head out from the forest, his eyes blazing with anger. "What are you doing!?"

"Uh..." Dude, there's poison in there. You sure you want to enter?

Junior brother rolled his eyes and grabbed at my wrist, pulling me against my will into the forest. F*cking h*ll. Why couldn't I have gotten the previous Jin Yahui's cultivation!?!



[ |´∀`●) ]

A vein popped on my forehead, and it took every inch of my being to stop myself from reacting to the System's provocation.

But seriously, System. You're a f*cking system. And you're bound to me. What's the point of hiding behind a wall?!?

[ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ]


[Jang forever.]

Who the f*ck is Jang?

[ ... ]