<Different POV: Grand Master> Black Crystal Globe

Grand Master stared in silence at the globe before him. The crystal globe, which once shown a brilliant white light, was now stained entirely black with swirls of an even darker color taking over the darkness.

Feeling the eminent danger surrounding the sect, Grand Master could only calm the raging emotions within his heart. A cultivator was supposed to be calm at all times. However, he couldn't avoid his turbulent emotions at this time.

The sect was founded by his father's Master. As such, it held a very precious place within his heart which was further cemented by his father's last words, "Protect the sect."

He sighed and looked around his cave. He was currently in 'seclusion', but only he himself knew that he was planning his next steps to save the sect.

Unfortunately, it seemed that everything that he did was futile. Even after his careful probing of every disciple and Master there was in the sect, he couldn't find any clues.

Feeling frustrated and yet taking deep breaths to calm himself, he realized that it had been getting harder and harder to control his emotions. He was probably getting too old- he needed to advance soon, otherwise the fate of his father would become his own fate.

Pushing away the dark globe, he turned his head. However, a bright speck of light caught his eye. He abruptly returned his gaze to the crystal globe, his eyes widening in surprise. There, at the very depths of the globe, was an insignificant speck of light.

He stood amazed, his heart throbbing with joy. He leaned in, his fingers trembling as he lifted them to touch the surface of the globe. But then his heart dropped as the darkness began its attack on the speck of light.

"No!" Grand Master shouted, his face a shade paler than before. Even with his efforts, the darkness remained. This insignificant speck of light was the sect's only hope.

His eyes were glued to the globe, his heart beating against his chest almost as if it wanted to escape and help the speck of dust on its own. Anxiously leaning even closer to the crystal globe, relief washed over him as he saw the speck of light still deep within the pool of darkness.

The hope of the sect was still okay.

He straightened and began to tap on the wooden table. What had changed? What gave birth to this new hope?

He glanced back at the speck of light, feeling worried as the speck continued to brave the waves of darkness washing over it.

Either case, Grand Master thought to himself, he needed to find that speck and protect it with all of his strength.

His cultivation could wait.

He grabbed the only other thing on the wooden table before him: a black cloth. Covering the crystal globe with one smooth motion, Grand Master looked around his secluded cave.

Bookshelves, three wooden tables and an equal number of chairs, and a large, obviously higher-tiered cauldron graced his so-called seclusion space.

He sighed.

Perhaps it was time once again to probe each disciple. He may be able to find the speck of light... or even a clue towards what the looming danger could be.