The party-part four-

"So, miss Rebecca, you say that you come from the Meliades family?" Asked Dionisius.

"That's right, we are one of the oldest families in Arcadia, as well as one of the closest one to his highness, of course, in front of lady Anastasia, we aren't worth mention" Said Rebeca.

 "Well, you are right about that" Said flatly Anastasia.

 "…" A woman was looking at those two by a side nervously.

 "Don't worry, you are not any least than them" A comforting voice came by her side.

 She turned around to look at Artemis, who just brought some food to the table.


 "Don't mention it" Said Artemis.

 "By the way, where is uncle?" Said Dionisius while bringing some wine.

 "My lord, can you drink?" Said Rebecca.

 "Of course!" Said Dionisius.

 "By the way Hans, shouldn't you… stop a little bit?" Said Dionisius.