Just take my hand

Alfonso looked at the crow who was all looking at him with different kinds of expression and make him felt a little uncomfortable.

"I made a mistake, I thought that these scholars were like the ones on earth" Though Alfonso.

As an ex-university student himself, Alfonso knew what were in the heads of university students, sex, parties and more sex. Although these kids were from the influence families in Leitol, they were, in the end, university students who had zero interest in the outside world, after all, they didn't have time…

"I am too busy studying, so I won't bother with anything else"

This phrase the more used, and the falser creed for every university student.

"I remember my first years, yep, that was life, few obligations, full party" Though Alfonso.

 Alfonso could say that his six years in Cambridge University was the most joyful period on his life.