
6 minutes pass and it's companions finally arrived to see the body of their pack mate. Immediately, both decided to run back and inform their leader of it's death, they may have unknowingly entered another dangerous beast's territory.

Running as a pack they had their position, with the stronger one in the front and the other one in the back at a forty five degree angle. Unluckily, this was all in Zhao Wei's calculation, as they passed the front one's leg snagged on a rope that was tied between two trees, this pulled on a spear hidden in a pile of dead leaves, propping it up at a 30 degree angle. It was neither too far or too close, it was close enough that the reptile was in between steps and wasn't able to dodge out of the way but it was far enough for it to see how it died.

The one in the front fell forward and landed into 2 Wrap Traps which were positioned to catch it's forelimbs and tail. It could only struggle on the ground futilely as even with it's strength it couldn't pull itself out or put it's legs under it's body to push itself up as those were usually done by it's forelimbs and tail.

It wasn't hurt like the rest but it was frightened by it's imobility, crying to it's leader for help.


Back with the prey, the leader heard the howls of it's underlings, but instead of going in the direction of the cries, it ran in the opposite direction. Even though Death Wishes were pack animals, the leaders were interchangeable

It had thought to just let it's pack die as it could just kill another pack leader from another pack and takeover it's position. That's how it gained 7 pack members as it had constantly run around and killed from 3 other packs included with it's own underling.

It was quite distinguishable as a pack of 3 to four would be born at once, besides the leader's special characteristics they would look almost exactly the same with the same scale patterns. For this pack, only the one who was caught had the leader's stripes. The rest had different patterns and had different shades of brown and green which meant they weren't even the same age.

This leader ran a little before it felt a threat to it's life, but it was already too late. It's tail although thin was usually used to balance it by slapping against trees as it ran to keep it from tilting to any one direction and would sometimes flick the forest floor to keep it from tilting back wards. As it flicked the a tree while running, it's tail triggered a Wrap Trap that instantly caught it. However, the leader was running too fast to notice and stopped only when it's tail bone popped.

Zhao Wei was a frightening person to deal with. For Death Wishes he not only researched their habits and all, as he had some of their bodies from before, he dissected one of their bodies to know it's structure inside and out. Similarly in his scouting, if he found any beast carcasses, he'd bring them back to research them.

From dissecting a young Death Wish, Zhao Wei found that it's tail was completely made of interconnected cartilages. This gave it good impact capabilities and allowed it to take hits as it was like hiring a string. But it was connected weakly to the tail-bone which meant that it couldn't handle excessive weight.

This was what happened with the trap, as it ran the instant tension between it and the tree put pressure on it's tail bone which instantly popped off.

Zhao Wei was a frightening enemy. He didn't only know what his opponent did, he also knew how they did it and why they did it. Like a person walking, he gathered not only where the person went, but also how they walked, how many steps they took and even the reason their strides were unique.

In his scouting, he'd not only collected how the reptiles worked as a pack, but even their individual temperaments. He'd already known where they would be hunting today and the role each one played, even when he saw the Thunder Dropper, he knew where they would catch it according to their capabilities.

He'd only not began killing them early because the Thunder Dropper was quite young, the 3 it left behind hadn't been dead but simply paralyzed which Zhao Wei considered a free meal, else he'd have to put in more work and probably let the Thunder Dropper escape as well.

Now that it's tail was injured, the leader couldn't run away anymore as it knew it wouldn't get very far. Propping itself on a tree, it suddenly activated another Wrap Trap which caught it's fore arm.

It panicked and looked back to see if the beast doing this would come to kill it, this was its final moment.

Death Wishes necks were pretty strong, Zhao Wei had noticed this when he fought the leader before as he had given it quite a beating and the neck wasn't damaged. Slicing it up, he noticed that the neck bones consisted of strong bones unlike it's tail, these small pieces were locked into the next piece and so on, overlapping each other but still maintaining a certain level of flexibility.

Only when they curved did the neck show an opening in it's armor like structure. Just as it turned to look, Zhao Wei jumped down from above with the tooth-blade in his hands, chopping down on the base of it's neck where the gap showed, ripping it clean off its shoulders.

Altogether, Zhao Wei had killed a total of 9 beasts including the Thunder Dropper on his first hunt after he trained for two weeks. In human settlements, a pack of this size would kill tens of people before they were finally gunned down. But even now I'm Zhao Wei's mind he was delighted by the adult Death Wishes as he hadn't "researched" their matured bodies yet, that and the Thunder Dropper as it was the first carcass of it's kind he had found.