
Zhao Wei had a steady rhythm now. He'd go down every three days to hunt and come back up with about 4-5 beasts in general. Although the catch was good, he still wasn't at the top of the food chain.

For now, he could mostly only hunt medium sized beasts with assurance for success. However, it's not to say that the medium sized beasts were weak by any measure. It was just that he was more compatible towards their kind while fighting. Their attributes were more balanced in comparison to large beasts and smaller beasts.

Although each type had their own special traits, generally, a large beast's attributes pushed towards durability, vitality and immense strength whilst small beasts pushed towards their speed and dexterity.

Against large beasts, although Zhao Wei would probably be able to dodge their advances as long as the terrain wasn't too constricting, his attacks couldn't even break their armors. Even if he could pierce through, the damage would be comparable to a human getting stung by a bug, it may annoy them, but the damage would be almost negligible. He had no attack skills at all so it was always up to him to deal the finishing blow.

Against small ones, unless Zhao Wei caught them perfectly in the traps, they were an absolute nightmare to deal with as they could attack very quickly and escape if they felt like it. Till now, Zhao Wei had found the least small beast corpses and enemies making his information on them the least in his collection.

As for those super big and small ones, Zhao Wei was down right terrified of them. The beast Zhao Wei spotted when he first woke up, he now called the mountain. There was no better explaination than the fact that it was the size of a mountain.

Zhao Wei lived in constant fear of it. He'd come near it before to know exactly what it looked like. It was literally a moving fortress, it's body was an ecosystem of it's own containing a massive number of beasts which fought for their own areas.

He could only slightly see its face last time as it had just peaked out, but it turns out the whole mountain consisted of its four legs locked tightly together. He didn't know what it ate or how it's body worked. All he knew was that it never moved, at least as far as he'd been here. And if it did ever move, the mountain like legs would help it close the several kilometer distance in a single step. It'd probably reach him before he could even think of running.

As for super small beasts, he currently knew of only one. Those were ants.

They were the same ants like those in the old world but they were about the size of a palm. With teeth the size of pliers and needle like legs that worked like iron clamps once they caught flesh, they always came out by the millions.

Nothing wanted to be there when they swarmed, anything from big to small would vanish under countless amount of crawlers, even the bones weren't left once they were done. Luckily they seemed to only swarm once a month and never surpassed a certain range. Else the whole forest would be devoid of life.

Additionally, the attribute points he gained would be random. When he fought medium sized beasts, he would get an average amount of points regardless of what attribute he was given. But if he fought small beasts for example and received their durability attribute instead of speed, the amount of effort he'd have to put into the fight would leave him almost heart broken.

For now he could only hunt and train as much as he could with all the time he had. No matter how tired he was, he never missed a day of sparring with Panda. These days he'd always use weights on his body no matter if it was hunting or training so even after the first month up here had passed, he still hadn't beaten Panda a single time.

One day as they were sparring, Panda was faster than it had ever been in any of it's matches before. It stopped and jumped perfectly into where the gaps in Zhao Wei's defense.

While it was infront of Zhao Wei, he used the staff to stab towards it to which it jumped to the right. Zhao Wei had anticipated this move as he'd aimed at it's left side in the stab, the staff turned from a jab forward to a swing to the side.

Panda jumped over it like it was playing hop scotch and went into a stance which confused Zhao Wei. It had it's back faced towards Zhao Wei with it's paws on the ground.

With them it pushed up and used it's back leg to do a donkey kick backwards. It caught Zhao Wei off guard and almost hit him, unfortunately for Panda, it's front legs still weren't as strong as it's one back leg and couldn't propel it beyond Zhao Wei's dynamic vision.

Dodging the kick, Zhao Wei reacted and caught it's back leg mid air. He switched his grip and held it by the ears and did a struck out his left hand into a peace pose while grinning ear to ear. He was so happy as this was his first win although it was due to a mistake on Panda's part.

He brought Panda near to his face to gloat. But looking at panda he suddenly had a question that he should've probably asked years ago.

"By the way, are you male or female?", he said almost plainly, looking right above it's back leg on it's abdomen.

Panda's species were called horned rabbits by Zhao Wei. Panda had been out cast by its own here as they were completely white where as Panda had a black crystal like horn and a black circle on it's left eye. Additionally unlike Panda, they had two back legs.

Usually, they would run together in groups in search of food and defend in formations. But because of it's back leg, Panda wasn't as agile as they were while blinding as using its back legs it would propel the rabbit much farther ahead than it planned to go running their formation.

When it met Zhao Weiit had been kicked out, feeling starved and frightened on it's own since it couldn't forage for food. Luckily it could always run from any beast that tried to eat it due to it's speed.

Being brought up the hill by Zhao Wei was a god send as being the only two beings up on the hill, it had it's own personal garden to eat from as Zhao Wei hadn't dared to eat any of the plants on his own.

When Zhao Wei found this out, he felt like he understood it abit better. Him and the rabbit were two beings who were lost from their kind, though they couldn't speak about it, both felt a small comfort from knowing the other was around.

He knew that this kind of rabbit his it's genitals in a pouch near it's legs to keep them from being kicked while running. So he shameless looked questioningly in that area.

As his head case close he suddenly felt a fluffy warmth cover both of his ears. Looking up he saw Panda looking at him eye to eye, holding his head in a very intimate way, it's eyes almost seemed to want to draw him in.

The scene seemed very sweet and warm, but Zhao Wei was sweating in nervousness. As he predicted, Panda raised it's leg to align with his face, and did the rabbit version of a knee kick.

That day loud scolding squeaks rang out from the hill. In their fight, somehow Zhao Wei had found out she was a girl.

By the end of that day, Zhao Wei's durability was raised by 1.