White ape village

They didn't head straight back up after the hunt. Laying their spoils right under the climb spot, Zhao Wei picked up the Thunder Dropper's body and slung it around his shoulders, tying it's leg in a hog-tie so it stayed on. He then picked from the rest of his kills and settled on the body of a salamander looking creature.

Shortly, both him and Panda walked towards the right of their hill, walking for about 15 minutes before they reached a certain spot where the foliage changed. Here the trees were covered in long vines that acted almost as a curtain to whatever was inside. Zhao Wei's hands gripped one of them, though his fingers couldn't quite close on it.

Raising his arm he whipped the vine in his hand which sent vibrations towards the whole area, the wire like vines clanging against each other to create a cacophony which was somehow both chaotic and melodious at the same time.

Zhao Wei closed his eyes, the sounds of twangs like a a mandolin being plucked. Through these rhythmic beats, suddenly there were several notes that were off beat and constantly getting softer but with a higher frequency. These vines generated waves, hence the further the line was from the source of frequency the larger the wave and sound generated.

Through the sounds they made, whatever was coming was near Zhao Wei as he could barely notice the vibrations. From out of nowhere something falls from above Zhao Wei and Panda and lands right infront of them.

Dust clouds billowed upwards and a visible half-meter crater was created on the ground. When the dust cleared both of them came face to face with a big white ape, it's face like a baboon's, orange with a few streaks of dark blue. That was the only colors on it's body as from it's mane to it's tail it spotted snow white fur.

All though it's fur was atleast palm thick, the ripples of it's muscles underneath did not fail to be noticed. Though it looked like a baboon, it's size was that of the old world's gorillas as it toward over Zhao Wei even as it was standing on all fours.

The most peculiar thing however was not all of those but the fact that in it's hand a sickle blade formed from the crescent claws on the feet of Death Wishes. Although it was called a blade, in it's fingers it looked like a pruning tool.

It looked at Zhao Wei with sharp eyes, questioning his motives for coming.

Zhao Wei put down the Thunder Dropper's body and began to slam both his hands down on the ground in a constant tempo. The ape infront of him immediately lost the hostile air it had upheld before and followed suit.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!...." it sounded out almost sounding like a chant. Suddenly the forest around them came alive as many other apes it's size or smaller peeped out of their hiding in the trees and joined in, slamming their fist on the trees bodies while chanting away.

The previously musical forest now had drums to supplement it's song which grew louder and louder with an electrifying vibe that almost threatened to cause shockwaves. More of the apes joined, the crowd looking like it was a bunch of fans waiting for their favorite band to come up on stage. Panda felt like it would lose it's pride if it joined these primates in their nonsensical traditions, of course, in that group she had included Zhao Wei into the count. She simply turned and burrowed into his bag to avoid being drawn into their shenanigans.

Zhao Wei could feel the judgement coming from Panda but was having too much fun to bother with her. All around him, apes of all sizes and age were brimming with excitement. Not just baboons like the one that welcomed him but also orangutans, chimps even gorillas which were as big as trailers joined in the fun.

However it was important to note that like the baboon, all of them were similarly pure white except for certain features like the face or claws or even stripes. As the chant got louder and almost reached a bursting point a screech tore through it and silenced everyone.

The baboon turned around and hooted, and a hoot was replied to which it just nodded. It swung it's free hand in a come on gesture before turning around and walking. The rest of the primates had already begun bounding back or moving through the trees.

Walking through some dense vines which almost felt like swimming through mercury instead of going through the jungle for about 30 minutes, they finally broke through. The scene inside was completely different from what was expected.

Inside primates of all shapes and sizes were scuttling here and there. Each of them had a weapon on their bodies which were tied on by strips of vines. The inhabitants lived in either holes in the barks of trees which they clawed up themselves, or wooden ball like structures which naturally descended from somewhere up high.

As they walked, they entered further in until they reached the center of this village where one of the thickest trees stood there. At the base of it a small golden snubbed nosed monkey had waited for him. Of course like the others his fur was pure white, only it's eyes looked like a deep green jade.

It walked forward and raise it's hand into the air, Zhao Wei scratched his nose and moved forward to give it a high five. This particular monkey was called Gowan. Despite the small stature granted by his species, he was the guardian of this place.

It looked cute and cuddly, but most beasts wouldn't dare deal with it as under the smooth coat of fur lied a ferocity that could explode outwards at any moment. He had a ridiculous dexterity stat which allowed him full control of his body and high strength and agility which turned it into the king of hai own habitat.

In fights, Gowan would move into full close combat and stick to its prey fur to skin or fur to fur. With his agility he would scramble all over the opponent and jump away. But he would always take with him chunks of flesh which came from all over the opponent's body.

The brutal part was that he usually targeted the more tender parts such as the eyes, ears and tongue or even tendons and genitalia when he was particularly annoyed. Zhao Wei had seen him in full on action against a Rhino Armadillo.

These were essentially armadillos that had a shell that looked like silver, creating an almost impenetrable armor with it's scales, besides that, it had horns like that of a rhino that ran linear to it's spine.

When it curled up it would be equivalent to a spinning saw. This particular beast had unwittingly entered Gowan's territory which incensed this guardian who began to absolutely dominate it in a fight.

In 3 minutes it was on the ground laying flat to cover itself. Gowan had torn of the horns on it's back and some scales that made up it's shell, prying them off with his tiny hands.

In fact Zhao Wei had accidentally encountered it in the same way while he was in his scouting period. He had not known the exact geography at the time and stumbled into one of his people. They ended up in a squabble where Zhao Wei almost won before being interrupted by Gowan.

The small monkey had almost taken his life before it noticed the weapons on his back and the jerky. Somehow it understood that he was not completely driven by instinct like the other beast and did not come to specifically hunt his tribe.

From then on they somehow began communicating, he would often come over with his excess jerky to give them as him and Panda only lived together, with 4-5 kills every three days, they'd been piling up the amount of dry food by hundreds of kilos every hunt.

In exchange these apes were extremely good foragers and often brought him a lot of herbs and fruits. Their relations went so far as some of them had even asked to be made weapons like Zhao Wei had, which was now why many of them sported weapons like the one Zhao Wei made.

Although the trade wasn't balanced, the Whit ape village still gave him a peace of mind as it protected his right side and didn't need to worry of a suddenly onslaught of beasts or territory invasion from there. And besides, he had more beast materials than he knew what to do with anyway.