Glazed Venison

Gowan seeing the fresh Thunder Dropper on Zhao Wei's back, understood the outcry earlier on. When Zhao Wei came he had literally done their call before a meal causing the lot of them to be riled up even if they didn't know what was going on.

Gowan looked wronged as he had to take care of the aftermath of this, opening up their storage to start a small feast tonight, while Zhao Wei only presented two beast bodies that would barely give each primate a taste and whet their appetites even more.

All he could do was prepare the rest of the meat and ask Zhao Wei to bear the rest of the burden by cooking all of them, else he'd already prepared in his mind which stick he'd use to beat this inconsiderate kid.

Although he understood that the kid brought his village delicious food whenever he could like the jerkies, it was never enough, barely lasting a meal. And he came by only once every 4-5 days. The rest of the time, the rest of his village would blame him for not having skills in cooking instead. He was their frickin' guardian, not their $&!?ing chef!

He hooted into the woods, the same gigantic baboon landed from the top creating another dust cloud. He did a face palm before screeching at it.

Zhao Wei watched in amusement, this was actually his wife, the reason she'd come out with a blade to greet him before was because that wasn't her weapon. It was her cooking knife.

He'd tried to explain how difficult it'd be to use that kind of knife to cook, but to her whose primary thought was based on survival, the crescent claw knife looked much more destructive. And she actually wasn't showing aggression before, she was excited to learn how to cook.

He could more or less guess what they were saying.

"Why do you have to fall from so high, can't you just climb down?" He said.

"It's faster" she replied.

"But you're the chief's wife, can't you act a little more elegant?" He tried to negotiate with her.

"Cheh! We're monkeys, what's the use of being elegant" she stated.

The exchange went for some time, and like a normal couple she somehow got angrier and angrier while he kept making mistakes that dug his grave further in the fight.

When they were done, she simply turned around and waved at Zhao Wei to follow while Gowan tried to call at her from behind. It was useless, she'd learned the silent treatment.

Zhao Wei could only awkwardly scratch his nose and pat the guardian on the shoulder to comfort him. Through their squabble he had made out that he'd been kicked out of his cave for tonight, the equivalent of husband sleeping on the couch. The guardian of the forest kicked out of his own house.

Zhao Wei met the wife near a large tree stump where splotches of blood could be seen everywhere, this was their dismantling area. Zhao Wei took out a knife he'd made from a particularly big beast canine that he'd fashioned into a chef knife.

Putting the Dropper down on the table, he began to draw out its blood and skin it. Once he was done butchering it and got most of the meat, he separated this part and kept the drippings and bones, only throwing out the intestines.

Walking over to a stone like plate the size of a truck wheel. he put the bones and drippings in as well as some liquified fat he had stored to use as oil. Under it a fire was started and somehow the thing started to heat like a pot.

At one point in the past he'd thought he needed something big if he had to cook for the village, taking his pots and pans he showed them to Gowan and his wife. His wife immediately called out and asked several apes to move upwards. A few moments later, they came down with several caravan sized slabs of this material which both conducted heat and would generate it for long periods of time afterwards even if the heat source was gone. Gowan was against the idea and voiced his complaints to which a single stare from her shut him up. Even in the animal kingdom there were hen-pecked husbands.

Apparently these were usually brought to the top of the trees to absorb sunlight in the day hours and would be taken down to warm the village at night. They had only 24 slabs in total and his wife had brought down five in one go. In front of Zhao Wei the inhabitants beat the material into shape with clubs of bone and wood.

After 15 or so minutes he turned the bones around in the oil, the areas that were cooked now looked golden. He hadn't even began to add spices or even the main meat but the smell wafted through the whole village. Almost every ape became hungry and their veins bulged, to restrain themselves from rushing to eat they were using all their willpower to fight their primal urges.

To be honest the only thing that was holding them back was the chief's wife. She would beat anyone who interrupted Zhao Wei's cooking and nobody could lay a finger on her. At Zhao Wei's first time, some of the apes couldn't restrain themselves and one of them accidentally bumped into her in their frenzy.

Gowan's punishment came quick and harsh as he gave the unlucky primate a wax with his fingers. for these apes whose fur was as tough as steel wool, the experience was worse than torture. Zhao Wei had felt bad for the ape as even now it's fur still grew in patches.

Dicing some carrots and beets, he dropped them in as well. By this time he had to change knives as although they were made from beast material, by turning them into knives he made them thinner which made it easier to chip. Additionally, he used them to cut beast flesh and bones, these days, even peeling the carrots became difficult.

He took a soup stock he created yesterday from the meat of a flightless bird he decided to just call the new chicken. Pouring it in, all the materials began to float and the grease that came off the bones mixed with the soup becoming an almost stew like texture.