Two giants

It's body was at least several kilometers in width, several more in length and the part of it's body above land was atleast 60 storys high. With each breathe it'd suck up a lot of sand like a vortex, bringing with it anything that currently was on or under the dunes. Once in, it'd blow the sand from it's blow hole, looking like a geyser erupting, coating the back of the beast's body in it to protect it from the merciless sun.

Zhao Wei could see swaths of beast he had never seen before being dragged into it mouth a breathe at a time. The only beast with an exception to this fate was the flying fishes. Somehow, they exited the blow hole with the sand.

It was a mutual relationship. Although these fishes were fast, they had no fighting power. If they were alone they'd be relentlessly hunted. The whale gives them a certain protection from the other beasts. On the other hand these flying fishes also seem to draw the under ground beasts to move into the whale's swallowing radius.

Zhao Wei was completely awe inspired by such a majestic beast. He didn't feel any pressure, the whale although powerful didn't have any intention to hunt any creature specifically. It's process seemed to just be a matter of course.

At one point it's large eyes had spotted Zhao Wei, but it did nothing but simply blink in his direction. With that a breeze seemed to blow towards Zhao Wei as the sand and sweat was blown off his clothes, letting it flutter for the first time in a while.

It shifted its body, prepared to move again, the sand that touched its body on the surface collapsed downwards creating a most around the beast. It's head began to dip downwards while the middle of its body tilted upwards.

Behind it the sand began to split apart as it's tail breached the surface of the sand, causing it to rain all over, even reaching Zhao Wei who was a 4-5 kilos away almost drowning him in it. By Zhao Wei's guess, atleast 1/3 of it's body was still under ground.

When Zhao Wei saw it's tail however, he felt cold sweats coming over him. A visible indentation ran through it. From the size of the wound whatever was used to hurt the whale was at least a tenth of it's size.

He couldn't believe it, there were two giant monsters in this area. Though they didn't reach the scale of the Mountain where the beasts living on it essentially were similar to micro organisms living on a human body. It was still pretty frightening to think that two of these were roaming around.

At any given day, he might accidentally be where they were heading, although the whale itself had no malicious intentions, it also didn't make concessions or give special treatments. Today, Zhao Wei was just lucky he wasn't in it's eating area, else he'd be in it's stomach like the rest.

Judging by it's size, it also couldn't make such differentiations. With it's size, it needed to eat whenever it stopped else it would starve during the next movement. As for the other giant, Zhao Wei didn't exactly know it's nature. But if it attacked the whale, it probably wasn't the friendliest of beasts. If it set it's eyes on him, Zhao Wei probably wouldn't be able to even think about running before it's mouth closed on him.

The whale's tail was reaching up at a 20 degree angle to the ground and it kept rising. Seeing this Zhao Wei ran to his vehicle dropped the heaviest item he had connected to a line, turning it into an anchor of sorts. He dug into the ground as deep as he could and continued until the whale's tail was basically aiming straight into the sky.

Zhao Wei slammed the item into the ground, letting it sink tens of meters deeper before headin back to his vehicle to secure everything and holding on to Panda and Myra.

He faced the vehicle in the direction of the whale and waited.

What did it feel like when a giant beast displaced the ground. Like a megaton bomb exploding nearby. The sand turned into a sea as the dunes rippled. Zhao Wei was lucky he was closeby as although the shock wave was strong the waves made from the sand wasn't at its peak. Behind him, the rolling waves of sand became a tsunami which washed over several miles, anything caught in it might as well go through a glass grinder.

Although Zhao Wei had anchored himself, it was essentially meaningless in the face of this beast made calamity. This was the reason he had faced his vehicle straight at the whale, so even if he was pushed back he would just need to move forward towards the center of where the whale dove and regain his general direction.

On the way, he speared down a few flying fish that was left behind. While the Whale was here he didn't dare to kill any due to their symbiotic relationship. But since the flying fishes moved on land, the ones that didn't enter it's mouth the last time was left here for good as they couldn't catch up to it underground.

After he dissected the first one he'd found the way it moved. It's fan like fins only allowed it to glide. Instead, it had an external organ under its body that acted like a second mouth. As it moved, wind would pass into the front opening of this organ and become a propulsion that shot it forward.

One of these was too weak to help Zhao Wei in any way. But if he could collect a few perhaps he could find a different way to move his vehicle forward rather than just pull it. For now it was still okay, but according to his current group, his intake was way less than his acquisition capabilities. Even with Myra, it's take at least two years to finish everything. In total, his storage was comparable to several large beasts in size.

The whale's dive had left a crater comparable to its own size, going so deep it exposed the water beneath several kilometers of sand. Zhao Wei couldn't help but move towards it as even though he had large stockpiles of meat, water was a problem as he had few items to store them in.

Besides, everything around here was pushed away so it was probably the safest place to stay the night.