Boiling hotpot


Zhao Wei was woken to the sound of clashing and grating. Immediately he rushed out of his quarters, grabbing a spear calling Myra to enter his shadow.

Outside several hooded figures with spears, tridents and two blades were engaged in combat with a crab the size of a Clay Eater. They weren't doing very well as they didn't seem to be proficient in long range combat. The crabs leg was tough and long, keeping it's main body away from the spears while it used its claws to strike at them from above.

By his count, these figures should have stronger overall strength than he did, it's just that their style of fighting was incompatible to the beast's. For some reason they would never try to jump to attack the beast. Their throws although powerful were inaccurate, never hitting its weak points which were between its shell and it's eyes.

One of it's claws scraped against the cloak of one of the figures, cutting the hood. Under it there was a female human head.

"Kitsi!! Are you okay!!"

"I'm fine don't worry"

English!? Zhao Wei had immediately recognized it and his heart was quite ecstatic that there were other people. This would be his first time meeting other humans!

In this moment, the person who was worried of her companion was facing danger. The crab had noticed her distracted state and decided to finish off one of it's adversaries.

A claw came flying at her.


When it almost reached her, it stopped for a moment just a milimeter from her neck. A spear had lodged in the chinks in it's shell stopping it's strike short of decapitating the lady.

But it was just a moment as it's strong arms broke the spear between it's shell in the next second. Not even enough time for everyone to overcome their shock.

But it was enough time for Zhao Wei to push the lady out of the way.

The crab saw that although Zhao Wei saved its target, he was still weaker than the rest as it struck out at him.

Zhao Wei had waited for this moment as he dodged to the side. The crab's claws struck the ground where he used to be. Just as it wanted to launch another strike it noticed it couldn't pull its claw back.

Looking at it, it noticed that it's claw was entangled by some glowing blue vines.

Zhao Wei began to run up its claw to its horror, but he had to stop very suddenly as he saw that it's mouth was bubbling.

He jumped away in time as it sprayed what seemed to be boiling hot water in the form of steam from it's mouth.

Zhao Wei turned back and felt his knees go weak. The pressure and heat had cooked its claw perfectly in a second and cut it clean from the crab's shoulders. He couldn't even imagine what he'd turn into if he didn't jump away in time.

From then on he decided to call this beast the boiling hotpot. Boiling naturally came from it's ability, while hotpot was obviously because the cooked crab meat reminded him of seafood hot pot.

The crab backed away while shooting the high pressure boiling water continuosly to keep him away. But it was in a panic and it's pattern could be clearly seen by Zhao Wei. Between the shots Zhao Wei jumped in closing in on it very quickly.

It had learned from it's last mistake as it didn't swing it's claw to strike down, instead choosing to do a hook towards Zhao Wei's body. But Zhao Wei was prepared. Ducking he activated a Wrap Trap on his arm and activated it just as the crabs claws were passing overhead.

Latching on to it, Zhao Wei borrowed the momentum from it's swing to jump towards the top of it's head. By this time, it had realized that it's prey was missing from where it struck.

Zhao Wei went right between it's eyes and swung his tooth blade at both of them, crushing them like grapes. It became frantic, swinging its claws around above it trying to get Zhao Wei off. Zhao Wei ducked and held on to the edge of it's shell trying to keep his balance.

This time he took his spear and shoved it into the crabs mouth. It let out a miserable shriek as it tried to shoot the jet of boiling water again but imploded its own head instead.

After some staggering steps, it finally fell to the ground in a heap.

The figures looked ahead in shock as they saw this one figure who looked much smaller than them fell the beast that they had trouble with so skillfully.

They were startled as the figure actually began to move in their direction.

As they had seen this figure move, they knew he was quite dangerous as all of them readied their weapons.

"All of you show some respect to our savior!!" The lady he saved said.

"But milady..."

"No Buts!!" She instantly shut them down.

Though she said this, Eyisha was quite nervous as the figure hadn't spoken a single word. Additionally, although the other side seemed weaker than her and all her guards, there was a smell of blood lingering on him incomparable to anyone she'd ever met except for the Guru. He might be weaker physically, but from the air he gave off, he was more dangerous than most of the beasts that could wipe the floor with them.

With every step, her heart beat a little faster until he was right in front of her as she held her breath.

Zhao Wei hadn't spoken a word and subconsciously he'd let out his bloodlust. He'd always been around beasts, so he never really knew that he was giving it off. As for why he was tense, it was because as the lady took off her cloak he saw something that left him absolutely dumbstruck.

From her to her waist, her body was pretty normal, maybe a little more toned than most females he'd met before the change. From waist down however, she was way different as what should be legs were instead replaced by a snake's body.

There were many things he wanted to say and ask, but for some reason the one that came out of his mouth was. "Did you speak English?".

She thought something profound would come out of the human's mouth. For some reason the question that came out of the other side's mouth left her quite confused.

While giving an awkward smile she answered. "Yes?".

The figure moved. Her heart leapt to her throat, did she anger him somehow? At this distance she wasn't able to dodge any sudden attack from him.

A few seconds pass as her brain tried to reboot, the rest of the people had their mouths agape as well. The figure didn't attack the lady at all. Well... maybe it could be considered sexual assault?

Eyisha was still confused, why was there no pain? As she looked down a realization hit her.

He was hugging her!!!