Unbending will

The fight went smoothly, each of the main armies clashed against the fortress at full force drawing all the men out and giving space for Chora and his men to come in stealthily. As they moved they killed a few left over inside silently. Myr wanted to take this job but with her weapon and style she was sure that it'd be harder to keep their cover.

They moved in easily and searched the spots they were most likely to keep prisoners. But half way through Chora felt something was wrong. Any general knew that plan A although potentially the most effective never worked out, that's when all the contingencies came in.

So when plan A continued too well, either the enemies were idiots or it was a trap which was waiting to happen. They had reached the center of the village before he realized this and all alarms in his head were blaring warning him of danger.

Just as he was about to signal a stop a voice shouted out. It was definitely make but strangely melodious, "Welcome General Chora!!" A man stood on a balcony in one of the houses. Seeing him Chora could tell he was definitely a pampered noble from the family's side. Even though he was dressed different his eyes were a copy of the nobles of his own kingdom. A flash of disdain would be seen in them for everyone around them and although they had a straight back they could only seem pompous and easily broken.

"I trust our use for the place has impressed you," he spoke, voice echoing against the buildings as he spun gesturing on the defenses they had prepared.

"Who are you!!! Where's my son!!!" Chora screamed.

"Tsk, tsk , tsk what impatience, though I do thank you for reminding me of my manners... My name is Aswang Steros of the Steros family. not a name you probably know being the small noble that I am." He chatted, " Though I do find myself ingratiated with you again for making sure I rise to fame... I don't think any other lowl level sergeant is given the chance to take the head of a famous general., I....

One of the Dracarian men smiled, "You and what army?"

Aswang frowned, "Did your people make a habit of interrupting people? Besides you know what army." As he said those words, from. The buildings archers stepped up and many men ran into the streets and alleys, forming their ranks.

Chora was shocked at least half of their army was here, what was going on!? "I see you realized the difference in numbers, you see I saw through your plan way before you came, in my head trying to take on 3 generals was way more risky than killing just one, so after I finish you off I'll just pull everyone into retreat and gain my glory with the least amount of casualties."

"You have at least 9,000 here you won't be able to hold both of them off with just those numbers" Chora stated.

"Well I don't need to hold 'them'" (Air quotes, definitely a villain). "...just her"

Choras pupils contracted. Aswang just wanted to hold of Myr? Is he not afraid of Guru? But that's impossible he was stronger than Myra, unless he had something prepared for Guru!!

"So there's two old monsters from my kingdom who want to settle debts with that monster from yours... if I'm lucky we might even get all three generals today... Now I believe I do have something of yours here..." upon hearing that Chora became restless, there was movement in the crowd of enemy soldiers, soon two men carried a single person.

He was wounded and beaten but Chora could tell that it was his son.

"Now... though I'm a schemer I'm not a heartless man, I am willing to do an exchange... your life for his" as he said so a few men walked up with a pot of molten iron from one of the smithies and placed it in front

"Call it an insurance, cut of one of your hands and cover it and I will let your men bring your son out."

The men turned to him, but before they could stop him one of his swords cut straight down on his right arm. "Sorry boys.." he turned, "please take care of him." Despite the pain from cutting off his arm, he looked to calm. The people who followed him understood that he had decided his path. Despite what they wanted in their hearts, they couldn't stop him, all they could do was watch, grit their teeth and grab their weapons until blood dripped down.

He walked up to the cup of molten metal and poured it on the left over stump. As soon as the bright orange liquid touched his skin a hissing sound was heard followed by the smell of burning flesh.

But he didn't even flinch, he stood there as it dripped down his shoulders, if they didn't know better it would seem as if he had just taken a bath. He stared ahead unblinkingly though every vein in his body threatened to burst out.

The enemy soldiers couldn't help but respect the man, if it were anyone of them they weren't sure they'd be so decisive. Even through all that he had never shown any weakness in front of the enemy. Each of them joined the army for different reasons, but in their hearts they could only hope to be such a man one day, standing in front of the enemy unbending even in the face of death itself, and all for his family.

Just as everyone was reveling in the sight, a laugh was heard from the balcony, "what an idiot!!"