Blood fang general

Aswang laughed hysterically as if he was watching the funniest thing in the world.

Chora looked silently at the man mocking him. The warriors barely stopped themselves from rushing forward else the generals pain be useless. "It's a show!! Do you really think I'll let any of you go? Dear god why's it so hard to face an army run by such intellectually challenged people...Men kill the boy and kill the lot of them."

All their faces turned ugly, both naga and human. "But you gave your word!!" One of the Dracarians screamed.

"And what use is my word to the enemy? This is war!! I'm not playing house with you" Aswang shouted back.

"Men kill the boy!!" He ordered again. The guards were actually hesitant, they weren't beasts, many among them had their own kid and regardless of how good or bad a parent they were they wouldn't ever want to think of being put in such a situation, to kill a son in front of his own father after going through such things was beyond cruel. What if the enemy decided to do that to the young of opposing armies, would there no longer be a line?

"Fine I'll do it myself!!" He took his blade and swung.

"NO!!" Even as he spoke, Chora had tried to move towards the balcony, but the pain had obviously exhausted him as he couldn't reach. He could only watch helplessly as the blade swing down in a parabola, the thin edge breaking through flesh and bones, leaving the other side in a large spurt of blood.

"Dear god, I knew what I was getting into but I didn't think it'd be so disgusting to look at what was left over," Aswang spoke as he looked at the section which he cut, "Then again what can we expect from the body of beasts such as yourselves, Hahahahahaha!!"

Chora kneeled on the ground, for the first time in his life the weight of the world was too much for his shoulders. He would've given everything for his son. Even if they tortured him after capturing him he would be fine as long as his son was alive. But this was too much.

Through all this the laugh of that insipid noble rang in his again and again until it seemed to meld with his heart beat. "Ahahahaha!!" Chora laughed while on he sat on his body.

Aswang squinted at Chora, he understood that the enemy's mind had snapped but he had a very bad feeling creeping up on him, "Men!! Kill him before he regains his senses!!"

Two soldiers dashed for the kill, stabbing their swords towards his body. But just as they were about to pierce flesh, his upper body disappeared. Looking down one of the soldiers screamed, his body didn't disappear, somehow hed moved right under them, body floating parallel to the ground only being held up by his tail bottom.

Before the man could even shout a blade had pierced from the bottom of his chin all the way to the top of his skull. The other swung his sword down on Chora's neck, but his hand went missing in the next second. The blade was still in the other soldier's mouth but Chora's teeth were stained red.

His tail wrapped around the poor man's legs and flung him towards another soldier running at him. The soldiers began their attack, rushing the small group like a flood. All of them died very quickly except Chora.

What they didn't know was that the man infront of them wasn't very good at dual wielding, his hands fit the sword but he could attack unencumbered if he was attacking with only one sword.

All his attack paths were free without fear of clashing with his right hand blade, moving atleast 3 times faster than he usually would. Everywhere he went, soldiers would turn into puddles of blood and chunks of meat.

It was like pushing them against a blender blade. Arrows flew and pierced his body and swords and spears stuck to it, butthe one's who used them net the need of his blade. No one dared attack his head as any that did would find any limb they brought forth bitten off.

The tail kept latching on to a random person and and swinging them like a club at their former colleagues. Any who met this fate died miserably as they would end up looking like crushed grapes before being flung again.

"What the hell!! He's a cripple!!, what's so hard about killing a cripple!! I want his head!!" Aswang screamed. And he would absolutely regret it. An arrow flew towards Chora's face, he caught it between his teeth and set the head on the path of an incoming blade, piercing the hand and ending the man with his own.

He turned on the direction of Aswang's voice and moved. Tearing through tens of bodies every second without remorse. Where his sword swung blood flew, where his teeth but, flesh was torn and where his tail went bones were crushed.

With one hand the general was more ferocious and deadly than in any of the wars he's been in. Some of the soldiers ran away at the sight of such a mad man and any who stepped forward was cut down.

His whole body was bathed in blood. Only his teeth shone, white cracks among streams of red. The day was marked as the day of the birth of the blood gang general by all enemy kingdoms.