Number’s game

Fighting an army and fighting powerful individuals were two very different activities. One required a level of strength and skill. The other required tactics and stamina. If Aswang has set the two old monsters on Guru with a number of soldiers at their backs they might've given even Guru a hard time.

But as he only had to fight the two, Guru could allow the people following him to assist Myra allowing her to hold on for much longer. Besides, wielding a two hand sword each of her swings could tear through several men at once, a lot more effective then Chora who killed people one by one.

The battle didn't last long. Even amongst the strong there were levels. Guru was among the top while the two were low to middle tier in the larger scale of things, not that they or a small noble like Aswang would know.

It didn't even last a while, in ten minutes both were down on the floor breathing their last and Guru moved to support Myr without another second to waste. Even excluding the two generals who were Gold class anyone in their close circle was a silver class. Even if they didn't exactly completely outperform the enemy, they held their own against six times their numbers pretty well. Add an old monster and an angry mother lion who's fighting for her cub, they definitely stacked up well above the competition.

Once they entered they were met with another army who was gathered in the middle. But they were all facing the inner section of the city. Myr commanded all of them to circle the streets quietly, and since their snake lower halves didn't require a foot step, quiet suited them just fine.

When all was ready, the signal was made and everyone attacked. Their line was thin stretched around some seven thousand soldiers, they themselves only had about 800 left after the frontal clash.

But it was enough, the inner ranks were in a wreck from the turrets and they had the element of surprise, before any of those soldiers could realize the situation and signal the rest, each and every one of those 800 had killed atleast 3 men, that's 2,400 down in quick second.

Being in a narrow area in full armor and weapons, even as they knew what was going on they couldn't change their ranks fast enough to meet the new attackers. Another two down a person. In less than ten seconds, some 4,000 enemies died.

It was almost like Aswang had gifted his men to them. This wasn't even including Myr and Gurus kills. In that time, Myr had the time to swing nine times, each taking a minimum of 4 men who were lined up for her to cut in a straight line. 36 men, no sweat.

On Guru's side, a line of men laid behind him as he moved forward, a hundred down.

In front of his eyes, Aswang watched his army be overwhelmed and wiped out like soap water on a dirty plate. He stepped backwards, his back against the wall. It wasn't supposed to happen this way, in a few days he should've been hailed as a hero who struck a severe blow against the Phesite kingdoms enemy.

And he did, but he didn't realize the area he struck would strike back so quickly and with such force. Splash!! He looked down, some liquid dropped on the ground, it was a beautiful colour like new wine but thick and viscous.

Somehow his eyes completely bypassed the blade edge protruding from his own chest. The blades body was in the wall behind him and the handle in the hands of the man he was hunting just before.

Chora wasn't playing the numbers game like the others, he only needed to kill one. He felt the body behind the wall and brought his blade on a straight line to the ground. On the other side, Aswang's body had been bisected all the way down. His eyes still alive, a few seconds from shutting down but not before he felt the full brunt of the pain.

The mother found her sons head among the pile of bodies, took him back and washed his face.

His body cleaned, laid him in a bed for the final time to say goodbye.

Sang a lullaby that he heard since young everytime the blankets raised.

But to the tune her tear stained eyes closed to say goodnight.


The rest came together for the Dracarian kingdom. The Peshite Kingdom's main army fairly quickly. Suddenly missing 15,000 men opened a gap in their formation that the Naga army could exploit to separate the huge coalition into two.

It didn't take long for the divided army to fall apart. But it wasn't without losses. Two great generals retired from the battlefield that day, hiding away in the Veterans bar. The king had decided to leave the punishment of Assaze to the duke which ended in a house arrest for an uncertain amount of time.

He came over to talk to them, but they refused to meet the man, even with the persuasion of old friends the king had commissioned. But one day as the king waited outside, he heard Chora speaking, he was inside the building and monologuing but it felt like the message was for the king. All the king could answer with was a disappointing sentence about his responsibility to uphold the whole kingdom.