
Eyisha knew it was the truth, and she couldn't deny it. The Veteran's bar held this story as one of their greatest legends and she'd heard it from the mouth of every man at least once. "Look I know you have your doubts against the royal family and I understand where that's coming from," Kitsi began, "but I know the princess and she's a force for the good of the people and has even risked her life for the people, down there she's alone and being beaten quite badly by those who only think about themselves... but if you help her, she can turn it around..."

Eyisha gave Kitsi a thankful smile, but Chora was unmoved, "Well that sounds nice and all, but from the way I see it, even if she is doing it for the people, she's got the nicest spot to do it from while the rest of them are tearing the world apart trying to reach it."

Kitsi didn't understand the statement, but it was quite clear to Eyisha, her heart aches as her eyes turned glassy. She couldn't help but turn and run away. A worried Kitsi chased her tail.

Chora turned away as he drank from his flask.


Reaching the bar, Chora stumbled in swaying as he moved forward. Crossing the dirty wooden floor causing some dust to bellow. He climbed up the stair way upwards, entering his room, he laid the flask on a cabinet and moved for his hammock.

Just before his finger's touched a voice coughed. "Bloody Hell!!" Chora screamed in shock. On a couch the hulking figure of Myr turned to face him.

"How the hell do you move so quietly when you look like that!?"

"Look like what?" Myr questioned him slowly, it would've been way less threatening if her scimitar wasn't raised to his nose.

"Nothing!!" He screamed back as he balanced himself on his stump against the wall.

"Oh please, once we've reached this level alcohol may as well be water to us, so you can stop pretending that the liquid in that bottle did anything to you," Myr chided.

"Yeah.. you haven't come up here in ages, what do you want?" Chora asked as he propped himself back to a straight position.

"Did you help them?" She said watching his face.

"There was nothing to help, she was facing a bunch of nitwits playing leader, if they knew what was right they'd be listening to her every word but that's what happens when you negotiate with stupid people." Chora said, "besides, she's his grand daughter she should know how to deal with it...."

"My dear, you know it wasn't his fault, he was fighting for something as...."

Crash!! A plate was thrown against the wall.

"We were fighting for something!!... you and me.... we picked up our swords to fight for a home...for us, all three of us!!" Chora screamed, "now you tell me where are the things we fought for, what do we get after defending this kingdom for so long.... we haven't had a home since that day."

Myr could only look solemnly at her husband, "I know, dear God I know, you don't think I remember? Everyday I look outside our door at that freaking hill we laid him under!! And I see you living like a useles piece of s^*t everyday! While I try to live it out one way or another." Tears streamed down her face as she wept on the chair. "But it wasn't his fault, and more so the little girl, she wasn't even there yet that time..."

Seeing his wife like that, he could only sit down in the small space next to her. Tapping her shoulder he apologized and wrapped his left arm around her frame.

When her crying slows down, he took a handkerchief from the table and dabbed her cheeks before sitting down again. His hand fiddled with the bottle he set on the table, "Sometimes... I wish we could still get drunk, then maybe for a moment we can pretend we forgot about it all... you know? Take away the edge."

Myr gave her husband a tired smile, "Don't we all?"


Outside, Zhao Wei hadn't stopped suppressing the energy, or more like he couldn't. If he got distracted for even a second and let it run amok, he would die a horrible death.

As he felt his the course of energy eneter his body, he started to try and see what it looked like. Somehow, the energy outside was unnaturally unbalanced, well more unaturally than whatever this world had to offer, like it was tainted.

Even for him although he absorbed everything, the amount that actually nourished him was minute as he continuosly had to filter it, if it was coursing through the body of one of the Naga there would be almost no effect at all.

Something in this land was draining everything, and it made sense. Even in the dessert where life had it difficult, it still had its own way to survive the harsh terrain. But around the kingdom, there wasn't a single beast or even a shred of cactus.

If he wasn't stuck in this position of constantly keeping his body at bay he might just try to find out, but now he was going no where until he was sure he wouldn't end up as fertilizer for sand as soon as he stood up.