No fun

Elsewhere Jyaha sat down, a little perspiration had built up on his body. Unlike his usual subservient and carefree attitude there was a dominating air about him. In front of him a figure struggled, arms were locked and in chains and stretched, connected to either corner of the ceiling.

It was probably a Naga male, but nobody could really tell, there was no longer a face to identify with, at this point it was just a mash of blood nd bruises.. Jyaha set a comb on the table next to him. Except it didn't have a brush side, in its place were several wires that were looped back into the wooden handle, like a larger version of what a person would use to descale a fish. On the ground around him, the figures scales littered the floor.

"You know it's difficult for me when you don't scream, it takes out all the fun from this..." he said playfully, like a merchant conducting idle chatter, but anybody would know that there were schemes in his mind. A businessman never does anything without profit. "Though, I guess it's a little difficult seeing how you had lost your tongue... then again that might be a good thing seeing how much trouble it brings you..."

The figures head dropped down after it tried to release a silent scream. He picked himself up and took a bucket of water, except there was a slight cloudiness in it. He poured it on the figure's body who writhed in pain but couldn't get loose of the chains.

"You should be honored, getting salt is much more expensive these days, usually I'd keep it to eat but for you I'll make a special exception..." Jyaha said with a smirk. "As for that other little sh#%, I wasn't going to do anything to him since he was so small, but now I guess I have to find some time to deal with him too..."


Morning came pretty quick. But Zhao Wei was up long before the sun rose, he barely slept. For the first time in a while, he did absolutely nothing. For about 2 hours he stared at the ceiling, he wasn't sure how he felt about it, it was a weird sensation after a year of constant work. There was a little peacefulness about it but also a strangely depressing atmosphere, maybe it's because when he finally stopped, he finally had time with his own thoughts, which weren't so cheerful as they were deafening.

Suddenly something wrapped around his leg, dragging him out the door and flying through the air. As he looked down Guru was there, "You're late!! How old are you that you need an old man to wake you up."

"What the hell!? You didn't say anything about what time we were doing this!!" He replied.

"Didn't I? Well consider yourself informed now." As he said that he slapped something flying at Zhao Wei, it was his staff, hitting him right in the stomach and sending him flying further. He had been knocked so high that he could see the whole kingdom from up there.

For a moment he felt extreme thrill, just for a moment as his body began losing momentum and he realized what was coming next. As he moved down it felt like all his organs were going to come up his throat. At this height if he didn't do anything there was a very good chance at death even with an enhanced physique.

He used the staff to swing downwards generating a blast of air but all it did was slow him a little. He kept throwing burst after burst which was pretty difficult considering he had no foot hold, if he just threw it out randomly there's no telling where he'd be pushing himself, he might even accelerate his descent. After every swing he needed to regain his bearings and throw a swing regardless of what position he was in while in the air.

It was getting deadly close to the ground and he was nowhere close to being slow enough. Luckily he was falling near the city area with many buildings around. He activated the Wrap Trap to wrap around nearby pillars to catch him, 'though I might want to use both hands to slow my fall next time' he thought to himself as the inertia almost tore his arm off despite his higher durability.

He ran all the way back to his carriage where Guru was still waiting, with a grin on his face he strut forward thinking he'd succeeded the test only to be met with a powerful blow to the face. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Guru asked.

"What do you mean....?" He looked at Guru puzzled. "You're the psychopath who's throwing people around and you complain that they save themselves?"

"I'm training you like an eagle trains their young, I'll drop you from a high height and force your instincts to help you fly," Guru replied self righteously, "Don't make it sound so bad, these techniques are learned from nature itself."

"Do I look like a baby eagle to you!!" He looked at Guru incredulously.

"Obviously not, a baby eagle would be much smarter, didn't you just learn the new Tantra two days ago, what's the point of having it if you don't use it!!... besides I think with your current physique you'll be able to handle it" he said as he pointed at Zhao Wei's arm.

As Zhao Wei looked down, he was quite startled, the skin on his arm would usually burst when he used the Wrap Trap directly on his body. But this time there seemed to be only deep bruises. The passive effects of Tantra was pretty good despite him not being able to activate it yet.

"Well you could've just said so..."

"Nevermind," Guru interrupted, "That just means I have to hit you higher." Zhao Wei began to sweat.