Real pressure

When the residents of Dracas awoke in the morning they were treated with quite a sight. The kingdom that had been devoid of any wildlife new or old was suddenly seeing a new one flying in the sky every 10 minutes or so. A flying human.

Zhao Wei was looking quite ragged by this time as even his clothes which were made from tough beast hides had tears here and there. He'd been constantly put between life and death especially the first few times.

After his first success, Guru suddenly hit him even higher without any explaination on how to actually activate his Tantra, he couldn't even use the breathing technique as when he tried the first time he was stuck trying to quell the power surges for three days.

Forget three days, if he tried to quell the power surges for 15 seconds while falling he'd already become a splatter on one of the Kingdom's streets. The third time around he did get an explaination but was hit even higher again before he could test it out, forcefully trying to use it in the air. It's like every time he succeeded Guru would hit him higher to see if he would survive the next time.

Even until the fifth hit, his Tantra wasn't activated yet, but he didn't go up into the air without a fight. As Guru tried to send him up he tried to block the hit only to have his defense slapped away by Guru and his body slapped into the sky again. The next he tried to dodge only to be caught again and sent up even higher.

But he was definitely getting better, when he was on the ground every ten matches he'd block or dodge the first move before being hit by the next one. If Guru was honest he was quite worried when he started this training.

At first he wanted to just test the kid and was actually quite horrified how high he hit him the first time. This wasn't like his Mentor's love skill, the ground was ever merciless and wouldn't just give the kid pain.

So many things could go wrong and could cripple the kid for life. He sure as hell never tried it with his past students. Heck if he did there was a high chance that the student would have fled the first time they survived, but Zhao Wei kept coming back.

He was doing so because the kid had never actually acclimated his body to using Tantra unlike his own kind who had their whole life to get used to it. A mistake could cause him to exert more than he needed and make the point of getting his body used to power moot.

But he felt something with this kid, the more pressure he put on him, it seemed the more fine-tuned his senses became. The fact was at a certain point, the kid had run out of extra tricks to use to further soften the fall. And yet although he was hit even higher, although he was using the same tricks, the damage he received when he reached the ground lessened.

This meant that he was making the use of his skills more efficient and effective every time the danger increased. As it progressed, his use of the staff in mid air became more controlled, what was a uncoordinated swing before now would constantly aim towards the ground regardless of what position he was in mid air. When he slowed his fall with the wrap trap, the timing was perfect to just cushion him instead of pulling his body apart.

The boy even had the audacity to try and fight him before he got blown back up again. His past students used to fight him as well, but that was to escape from the hellosh training he had for them. This one definitely had a screw loose in his brain.

Only problem was that this one wasn't activating his Tantra at all because he kept improving his other skills and could still rely on them to save his skin. At some point he was even using the basic swivel steps to try move vertically upwards on the walls though failing miserably.

For the first time he had a student who was versatile in a lot of things but gave him trouble in his main objective, if he kept going like this he might never need to have learned Tantra in the first place. Finally When the sun was high, Guru got fed up with him.

"Gimme your staff..." he reached out his hand. "And I forbid you from using anything besides your body. So no more slowing down with those vines of yours..."

Zhao Wei was quite taken aback, even for him, he was just barely improving each movement between the seconds of life and death. He got the point but it felt like he was just learning how to skydive and suddenly Guru asked for his parachute.

He knew the point Guru wanted but thought he was going to lose his life in the process. For the first time this whole morning, Zhao Wei thought of running. But before he could even get a head start Guru had hit him even higher than the last one.

Even the last hit had made him go beyond the height of his hill before. It was just about a house higher but the risks were multiplied several times.