42 seconds

In every defining moment of life, every second counts. Because it puts to the test, not only how people do things but also how they think. The Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the old world was 800-900 feet, it would take a person about 15 seconds to ponder their life if they decided to jump the top and end up on the pavement.

Zhao Wei was being hit to a height of 1300 feet, give or take 23 seconds before he turned into a new coating of paint on the walls. 42 if he added the time it took to be hit to that height. The very first second was registering the impact made by the blow which hit him right under the ribs causing the organs inside to lurch from the sudden force.

The next second is a combination of two things, the first one is an attempt to quell the pain coursing through his abdomen which would also fill the next 3 seconds before his body became ready to cope. The other was his nerves registering that his feet were no longer planted on solid ground as well as the sudden onslaught of wind resistance.

Between these moments there was too many sensations for his brain to have any space to compute anything else. 5 seconds gone just like that. Once this passes he finally registers the situation. Still in motion, but he was definitely upside down unless the sky was suddenly a blur of brown above his head. First order of business, getting into position.

It was a little more difficult without his staff as usually he'd just swing it and use the weight and momentum to turn himself in the air. But with his limbs alone there was no extra weight. Curling his body into a fetal position he stretched his legs out a little to try use the air resistance to push him back into place. Didn't work, obviously.

He tried to stretch out his limbs and test the way his body shifted. 12 seconds in, just got the hand of it. His ascent has begun to slow, the images around him become increasingly clear but worry starts to seep in as he knew that at the moment he stops will be when his descent begins.

Adjusting his body posture he finally shifts the way he wants, but he's already slowing down, hence less wind resistance hence less speed shifting into place. At 18.5 seconds his body finally arrives in an upright position just right before he starts falling.

0.5 seconds up. For a second he floats, almost like he was levitating in the clouds, but the sensation is short lived as gravity continues to work. His organs catch up to him from the speed but soon they are again left behind as he starts descending. A scream catches in his throat as his mind starts racing.

Unfortunately, he can't just go swinging. With the staff it was versatile since it wasn't attached to his body allowing it to be swung from any angle and still generate air pressure. But with his limbs there was significantly less pressure due to weight difference. If he swung and it threw him into a difficult position like if his back ended up facing the earth that was rapidly coming at him, there would be no recovery.

Moment of truth, focus only on his Tantra, he feels it and pushes it to his arm and takes a swing. Nothing happens except for him barreling through the air. He catches himself in the third roll and manages to barely ensure a possible success. 17 seconds left.

He decides to forget about moving with Tantra but focus on activating it first. 3 seconds pass and all he can do is barely cause a small spark which fizzles our almost immediately. Doubt seeps into his mind. There's a high chance he might actually fail this one.

Zhao Wei considers using the Wrap Traps. As he fell he didn't slow down, it would sure hurt a lot if he used it, but it would ensure that he keep his life. But there were still 14 seconds to spare no need to panic, he thought.

Gathering himself back in he focused fully on his Tantra, a slight glow started to build up but it wasn't nearly enough to even block a child's hand much less the ground coming at him at 480km/h. 8 seconds left.

In the old world divers would have pulled their parachutes long ago to save themselves and yet Zhao Wei hadn't pulled out his trump card. As fear and adrenaline reached its peak he lost focus for a moment causing the previous auta which covered him to disperse, he didn't even have time to curse as he tried to activate it again.


Guru was expecting great things from the kid. But he thought he may have pushed a little too far with the conditions. But by his judgement the kid was one who cherished his life, if his life was really on the line he would definitely pull out all his cards to save himself.

He watched as the kid struggled to get into position as he tried to use brute force even as he tried to activate Tantra. As he reached 500 meters or so he thought it was a good moment for Zhao Wei to stop and save himself.

But out of his expectations the kid didn't activate any of his traps and what not. He watched as his speed didn't slow down at all through the whole process. He watched as a cloud of dust broke out from the ground exactly where He fell.