Noodle shop

Zhao Wei slipped his feet in between the gap as the door was closing. Jeff looked at him angrily "Why don't you go somewhere else!?"

"I don't have anywhere else!!" Zhao Wei replied in a tone of urgency. Reluctantly Jeff opened the door to let him in. It was a really small shack, just a bed with some walking room a dining table and kitchen all cramped into one space. "Why don't you look for your Guru?" Jeff asked as he moved to the kitchen area to pick up a candle and lit it, setting it on the table and pulling one chair out and moving to the other side to pull his own chair out signaling for Zhao Wei to sit.

"I don't want to trouble him, Guru has a position in the council if they found out he was harboring me they could take him down with me." Zhao Wei replied plainly.

"And it's okay to trouble me?" Jeff aske, wanting to prod the boy a little but he didn't expect the answer to come out.

"You're weak, if they find out you can just say that I forced you to hide me and threatened you with your life if you didn't cooperate." Zhao Wei spoke without a shred of guilt.

Jeff's brow furrowed, "You have a very 'special' way of asking for help don't you?" He was tired of this, both teacher and student were as@#s. "You know this is a restaurant right, if customers come they would definitely recognize the only human walking around in a Naga kingdom as the wanted criminal."

Zhao Wei looked at him questioningly, as if there was something wrong with his statement, "But you have no customers." he spoke innocently.

"F@#k this, I don't need to take this!!" Jeff got angry.

"Sorry.. sorry.." Zhao Wei tried to calm him down, "No... you have a lot of customers." Zhao Wei said trying to put on a fake smile. Jeff was dumbfounded, somehow Zhao Wei's attempt at remedying the situation only made him feel worse, it sounded sarcastic as f&*k.

"I would let you hide here," finally, Jeff relented, on one part he also wasn't a monster to ignore people when they needed it, hell he'd been feeding a guy who didn't need his help for free for several years. "But... I don't think you can hide if you had to lug that around everyday," he pointed at the carriage.

"Oh! don't worry about it," Zhao Wei reassured him, "Myra!! sink!"

Myra exited the carriage with Panda in tow, her shadow expanded until it was covering the whole surface the vehicle was standing on, instantly the carriage began to sink into the shadow, like a giant dinosaur falling into Tar. It was a new ability she unlocked ever since her evolution, an extension of her ability to enter the shadow. The only draw back to this ability was that the weight of the items she absorbed would be put on her body.

But considering how her muscles and bones were compressed, the weight of the carriage didn't make her much difference and didn't hinder her movement speed at all.


Guru was sitting in his own home, in front of him was both Jyaha and Eyisha. Both didn't know about Jeff and the only other person they knew Zhao Wei would interact with was Guru. As for Eyisha, Jyaha already had her place watched long before even the world changed, if Zhao Wei dared to enter her living areas he would've moved so fast to take them both down together.

"What brings you both to this old man's home?" his voice was might as well be literally dripping with disdain at this point.

The two visitors stared at each other wondering who would start first. "Uh Guru, we were just wondering if you knew where Zhao Wei was?" after some time, Eyisha decided to go first."

"He didn't come here and I haven't heard a thing from him since he was chased by your men through our streets like a common criminal." the whole time his eyes were wide open, daring any of them to stare into it and test how serious he was.

"But he is a criminal!!" Jyaha spoke out of turn but turned quiet the next second.

"Why!? because there's poison in the food!? I've eaten the same food right from his hands! Do I look dead to you!? does Sola look dead to you!?" Guru turned to Eyisha this time, waiting for an answer.

Eyisha looked down with guilt and murmured with a soft voice, "He might've put the poison after Solith and his wife was killed as revenge...." even she didn't believe the words coming from her mouth, but she needed to find any reason so she didn't take the blame.

"Don't patronize me, the both of you!!" Guru spoke, "Do I look like an idiot to you? I've been part of this world since before either of you were born!!"

He stood up and walked towards a drawer, opening it he took a scroll in hand and passed it to Jyaha who begun having cold sweats when he opened it. "I always stood quietly and been uninvolved in these matters, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten how to do it," He spoke addressing both of them. "Jyaha if you don't withdraw those names from every organization in this kingdom by tomorrow morning don't blame me if their heads turn up at your door."

"Child, I've ignored the fact that your father left his aid to you, but if he touches a hair on that boy he's not coming back." Eyisha also started to sweat, he was definitely talking about the person she sent after Zhao Wei, she didn't think he knew, the blood children were a closely guarded secret from the royal family. And how did she know he was sent out? the only one's in the room were her and the person.

"You want the boy, bring me undeniable proof of his guilt and I will personally dispose of him myself. If not, I will fight both your sides. I may be old but at the state this kingdom is in, I'm sure the both of you know that I can easily flatten it in a day or two if I need to." As he said so, he stood up and walked out of the room, not giving either of them a chance for a rebuttal.

Jyaha and Eyisha both stood up to leave, moving to the door they suddenly turned back, as if waiting for something and someone. After a few seconds a smell wafted up to their nose, it was definitely blood.

Suddenly bodies began appearing from hidden places in the room from both sides. All the people they hired as protection had been killed without them knowing when. Shaking and stiff they turned and open the doors.

On the floor a single note, it was extremely small but it might as well have taken all the space. On it, in three lines were written the words, "clean it up, I don't like uninvited guests in my house."

Splitting up, they each went to their own people and sent someone to come here as soon as possible, there was a lot of work to do tonight.