Too much alike

As soon as they left they both instantly called their men to call off their men but they were a step too late.

"What!?" Eyisha cries out.

"We don't have a way to contact a blood child during missions, usually they only stay around to defend in truly crucial moments, but when they're sent out it's always a death sentence which the king deems absolutely necessary and has never aborted as it would only be used when all other options had been explored." One of her father's aids told her.

It was like setting a beast out of its cage, she thought to herself, they wouldn't come back until they filled themselves to the brim with flesh and blood. She knew she'd taken the use of the asset her father prepared too lightly.

"Send people there, their priority is to make sure Zhao Wei does not die!!" She ordered.

"Princess there might be a problem..." the aid spoke.

"What?" She was stunned in her tracks. What could be so important that they would neglect doing her orders immediately?

"It's been 2 hours since you gave the order." She spoke


"A blood child has never left their charges side for more than 3 hours, by my count he's in the middle of his kill or on his way back." He informed her solemnly.

Eyisha could do nothing but slump onto her couch in hopelessness.

"Send them in" she decided.

"But milady the deed is..." the aid wanted to reply.

"No just send them in anyway, if they must, kill the blood child as well, have a few of them die there to show we did all we could to save Zhao Wei" she finished and raised her hands to stop him from speaking again.

Reluctantly he agreed, "How many should we send?"

"All of them."


Similarly Jyaha was facing a huge problem in his ranks.

"What!?" He screamed, the flesh on his face shook.

"Yes, we located him while you were gone and as per your orders I have dispatched five of our best men to finish him off, safe to say he won't see the light of day sir, your won't need to urgghk!!" His voice which was proudly proclaiming how he settled his job was cut short as the air could no longer pass his throat, the reason for such was that a chubby hand was clasped around it. The deceptively weak hand was actually lifting his whole body into the air without so much as a shake coming off from it.

The man could see the veins on his superiors head bulging and throbbing and he knew that he was going to die. Suddenly the grip loosened and he slid down to the ground, gasping to get some air. "God d*&nit!! The first time I have a decent subordinate who does his job well, and he does his job well!!"

The words that came out from Jyaha's mouth confused him, but the assistant stayed on the floor keeping as silent as possible. Even his gag reflex was suppressed to the point of being just a wheeze. Jyaha bent down to his eye level and smiled, but it shook him to his core, a demon smiling at you was never a good thing.

"What's their departure time?" Jyaha asked.

"Uh... Huh?..." the assistant was still out of sorts from the situation before, but it was inexcusable as in the next second his face felt a sharp sting on it where a thick palm print was now visible. "Gather yourself for God sakes!! How long have they been in the field!?" Jyaha shouted in his face, a mixture of yellowish teeth, foul breath and spittle rained down on him.

"Um... Yes, yes!! they have been out for 4 hours right now, it'll take them about one and a half to reach the target's house and 2 to prepare, they should either be preparing or already executing the assassination." He answered rapidly, not even giving a quarter of a second's space in between.

"Is there any way we could recall them?" Jyaha scrutinized this new assistant.

"Well there's a signal flare we could use to abort, but it'll need to be launched at a minimum of 80 meter radius from all our operatives to be clearly viewable and that's on normal nights, with tonight's wind conditions I would suggest a 50 meter radius to ensure that the withdrawal is succesful." He explained.

"Actually, signal them to stop but make sure they do not leave the premises, I want several of our men to go in there and kill our own for us." Jyaha spoke in a quiet voice almost as if the sound couldn't travel anywhere else but his assistant.

"W.. Why would?" He stammered.

"To show sincerity of course..." A sinister smile grew on Jyaha's face. "And if you find the target engaged with another party, protect him, make as big as a ruckus as you can, kill him later with the other party's blades."

"Understood." The assistant nodded vigorously before rushing to complete the job.

In the room, one of Jyaha's trusted aids entered as soon as the assistant left. "Should we dispose of him too?"

"Nah, it's rare to find one with a good head on their shoulders, maybe after the job." As he spoke he opened a bottle of wine.

"If he had a good head wouldn't it be better to keep this one?" his aid asked indifferently. "You know good talent is in short supply these days right?" Picking up two glasses to which Jyaha shot a questioning glance which was rebuffed by the continued extension of his hands, signaling for Jyaha to stop being so stingy and pour for both of them.

"Well you know how this works, mistakes have to be paid for." The chubby man pouted as he drank his liquor.

"But he didn't make a mistake."

"I didn't say it was his."

Unbeknownst to either part, they were somehow moving with too similar a strategy than either would hope to admit.