
The other party coughed a little. By her looks, she was probably barely 10, she should be around the age where she would be playing with other children like Sola. She had red hair that was cut into a buzz cut and red eyes with a golden slit for a pupil while a small scar could be seen right under her left chin.

Her tail was completely black and sleek, the wound Zhao Wei had given it still quite fresh which made him feel very guilty. She didn't answer him this time, as she dashed towards him again with her dagger drawn striking straight towards his heart without so much as a quiver.

He caught her hand easily, but she was relentless, smashing into his face with her other hand twice before jumping. Coiling her tail up, she turned it into a powerful spring which she launched at Zhao Wei. But he didn't even block as he took it head on, jumping as the blow landed.

He hadn't let go of the hand so both he and the girl were shot a ways away, as he landed he slid on the pavement and steadied himself without much trouble, though blood was spilling from his mouth. The girl was relentless as she coiled her tail around his neck, but this time he didn't do anything to stop it nor did he retaliate against her despite having far better reach at this distance.

"Fight me da@#it!!" She screamed, somehow, his unwillingness to fight had shook her. He didn't even resist as his face turned blue. She sent another powerful fist into his solar plexus, but he just continued to look straight at her with a sad stare.

Just as he was about to black out, the tail around his neck loosened on it's own. Looking up he saw her staring at him angrily. "Why won't you fight me!? I'm trying to kill you!!" she screamed again.

"Why haven't you?" Zhao Wei asked, stopping her in her tracks. That's true!! why hadn't she? there were so many moments where she could've taken his life in this exchange, even just now. She could've just flicked her dagger into her other hand and stabbed him in the chest, with them being so close, there's no way he could've dodged.

She'd done this so many times before, she'd never hesitated. Drawing blood without any remorse or any feelings from any of her victims. So why now?

She decided to stop thinking about it and get back on to the mission. "My knife was coated, with the deadliest poison this kingdom has to offer, I've already killed you when I stabbed you just now..." She put her hoodie back on, her voice going back to it's distorted version. "I just usually like to finish my job and not leave it up to chance, in a few seconds you'll be dead anyways."

"Oh that..." Zhao Wei's indifferent attitude to being informed of his death shocked her quite a bit. She'd tested this on many of her victims before, even the toughest ones would break down and beg, what was wrong with him, why was she so curious to know, this wasn't like her.

As she thought of these things a few seconds had passed, she turned to Zhao Wei but didn't see him writhing in agony as she expected.

Of course it wouldn't affect him, he'd been in the forest for almost a year. There wasn't many beasts of the other elements like Myra, but those with toxins were almost uncountable, of all the scars in his body, at least 80% of them came from beasts with some form of deadly poison. That pushed his toxic resistance through the roof combined with the little resistance upgrades he received from drinking blood.

If he could die from such a man-made (Naga-made) poison, he would've died long ago. He just stood up and began to walk like nothing happened. "What's your name kid?" he asked as he tidied the area again. He looked at the ceiling he just built and couldn't help but tear up from seeing the two dents he left on it where he kicked off just now.

"I don't have a name" She spoke, the distorted voice on her small frame made it even more difficult to take her seriously. She sensed this and became a little angry at him, but in her mind she remembered something. "Eh! You're a girl!?" In the same fashion as Zhao Wei just did, a 7 year old silver haired boy in her memory spoke.

She shook her head to forget about it, just in time to refocus and hear Zhao Wei speak, "Of course you do..., everyone has a name."

"Why should I tell you?" She spoke indifferently.

"We've met for such a long time and spent that trip together, I'm sure whatever Eyisha knows about me you know too," Again she was surprised by the reveal. She'd hid so well, she was sure that none of the people that came with the group knew about her. It wouldn't surprise her if he did this now after Guru had trained him, but that was before he even knew about Tantra, how much of a monster was this man? "Of course I assumed you were male... and taller, but that was probably because you had to bring your own supplies so your weight was off, but if you know so much about me isn't it unfair if you don't tell me anything about yourself?"

She pondered a little, "I don't know my name... if I had one it's probably be thirteen"


"Yes" She replied.

"Like the number?" he asked.

"Yes" She replied in similar tone, speed and fashion, making him feel a little uncomfortable.