House warming

"Isn't that a little..." Zhao Wei felt like that wan't really a name. But the glare she gave him as well as the fact that she just pulled out her dagger again made him stop, he raised his hands to signal withdrawal from making any comments.

"I will leave you here, rejoice as you will be the first to escape the clutches of a blood child," Thirteen spoke.

"You know you're not leaving me here, I didn't exactly lose." Zhao Wei said as he scratched his head, "Besides what kid talks like that?..." just as he said that both his and Thirteen's eyes became incredibly serious as they had a silent conversation with their gestures.

"They one of yours?" Zhao Wei shot her a questioning glare.

Thirteen scanned the seemingly empty area around them, back facing Zhao Wei "Some of them... but even they are aiming their killing intent on me as well" she wrote the sentence letter by letter. "Something's gone wrong..."

"You know it's quite late," suddenly Zhao Wei spoke a little loud while holding onto thirteen's shoulders and guiding her into the shack, "I'll cook up something for you..."

Thirteen understood that they were in the open and followed him in. As soon as they were inside she got free of him and turned, "I'm not sure what's going on but we have at least half of the assassins left in the city in front of your door... and they're not just here for you."

"Well that's too bad isn't it?" Zhao Wei said with a smile.

"What are you..!" thump, she landed on the floor in a heap, she was still conscious but somehow she couldn't move a single muscle under her neck. Looking down she finally noticed a tear on the clothes on either shoulder. She finally realized that he'd applied his Tantra on her when he touched her just now as he guided her in, but it was so small she didn't notice it.

"Don't worry, I've just disrupted the flow of blood a little, just enough so you should feel numb under your neck for a few minutes, but that should be enough time for me... little girls shouldn't be forced to kill after all." He said with warmth before bending down to pick her up "Jeff!! you awake old man?"

"How can I sleep when you keep making such a ruckus!? do you think just because you lived here for one day you can just make all the noise you want!?" Jeff shouted, but even as he did so he took the girl from his arms, "Make sure you don't destroy anything... It's all brand new!!"

No s$%t!! I built it!! Zhao Wei thought, "D#$mit!! let me go!!..." Zhao Wei patted her head, "Little girls shouldn't use such languages" he spoke warmly. A spitting image of the boy in her memory, instantly shutting her up.

He stepped out, greeted by Myra and Panda who were already waiting for him. "Hey guys!!" he said as he rubbed their backs, "We have a few guests coming, thank God I prepared for a house warming party before hand." As he said so, Panda and Myra split into two directions, he and them will cover about 120 degrees each.


In an alley, it was eerily quiet, not even the billowing dust could be seen, especially in a moonless night like tonight. If there was even a little light, hundreds of shadows would paint themselves on the walls for but a mere moment before they disappeared, almost as if they had never been.

Suddenly a body appeared out of nowhere, standing completely straight. Unless they touched and felt the warmth from the body, anybody would've thought that someone accidentally left a statue lying here.

Some of his companions stopped behind him wondering what was going on. In the next moment several others stopped suddenly as well in front of their person. Around 40 people were gathered behind wondering what happened, they were moving so quickly just now, then the front runners stopped in their tracks.

The one closest to the still bodies reached his hand out to tap the guy on the back, but he felt a slight pain in his palm half way through. Pulling it back, his saw that on his palm a single line of red stretched out from one side to the other, cutting so deep he almost lost his hand. As the cut widened and the flesh split apart, the cut off piece just dangling off the rest of the arm by a shred of flesh and some skin.

He looked at the area in front of him, scrutinizing it with as much focus as he could muster until he found a single line floating mid air which should've been invisible if it hadn't just been coated in his blood.

A realization hit him, there was a line between him and the front runners, if they were on that side then... "Nobody move!!" he shouted at the groups who were still advancing. All of them stopped in their tracks, their discipline saving them just inches from death's door as the front runner's bodies began to crumble into sections, sliding every which was into cuts of meat on the floor.

"Move back!!" he ordered, but as he said that a thump could be heard from behind, something rolled on the floor, it was part of a man's head, cut perfectly between where the eyes and the nose was bridged. If someone stared into the eyes for a second, they'd see a slight twitch as if the man hadn't yet noticed that he was dead.

The clouds in the night sky parted a little, shedding some light in the dark alley way like hope towards the men there. But it'd be better if it hadn't as in this moment they could all see innumerable lines stretching every which way both in front and behind them, almost as if they were looking at a cracked mirror, but it only lasted for a second before they were thrown into the darkness again.