The manual


"So what?"

"Didn't you want to tell me something about the boy!?"

"Uhh... What?, Oh yeah sure sure the boy..."

"What sure sure, why are you in my kitchen? hey why are you opening those!?"

"Aww.. Come on you old coot, you always come by my place to eat for free who knew that you actually had stock of your own, and yet you're still such a miser forcing people with little business like me to feed you..."

"That's different! that's me giving support to my old friend."

"Well why don't I show you my support, Ooh cookies!!"

"Hey those were a gift from another kingdom's imperial ambassador."

"Che! you don't even remember which kingdom do you?"

"That's not the point!"

"You know what's the point? this! Om Nom Nom Nom!"

"Hey get your face out of there! who knows when's the next time I'm going to find one of those anymore... Aaahh!! What the hell!? Are you a dog!?"

"Wuu Thipsate, Wuu Iiit Mu Fut Aw De Tim! Huu Hus If Fiel Nuw!?"

"What the hell are you saying!?"

"Wu Nuw Wut Am Sau, Nghhak!!... You know... the color brown actually suits quite a bit, you should get your stylist to change... Hey come on it's just a bit of fun, what are you doing with that thing?"


"Hey!! that almost killed me! You happy no.. uh Wait! Wait!... Help!! Help!! Murderer!!! Murderer!!!!"

In Guru's house the two men made quite a racket, it would be questionable what kind of reaction they would get if anyone who knew them came in. About an hour later, the both say down, clothes covered in dust with bruises here and there, but they ignored it as if it never happened.

"So... the boy?" Guru asked.

"Yeah... about him..." Suddenly Jeff's eyes became incredibly sharp, "don't push him too far..."

"I don't know what you mean..." Guru replied lightly.

"Don't give me that B@#lsh^%!" Jeff's hand hit the table, for a second a vibration seemed to go evenly around the whole body of the table before it turned into dust. "You don't think I recognize the effects of the Ursa Current when I see it? How much did we lose back then!? How many students do you want to bury this time!?"

Guru stood up abruptly, "Don't put that on the boy, he's not Xezsaz and will never be him!!"

"That's what I thought too last time..." A sadness flashed across Jeff's eyes.

3 decades ago, Guru was quite famous in the kingdom and had brought up many students, all growing up to be great and powerful people. In comparison Jeff's skills were meant for a darker trade, one which he didn't feel needed to flourish. After some urging, he began to try and pass on his skills to ones of his choice.

So he hand picked a few of Guru's students who he believed to be compatible with his style, all of them were grasping the training extremely well, all except for one. A young boy by the name of Xzesaz, the kid had great potential, but the same goes for anyone who Guru allowed to be his disciple in the first place.

But maybe it was his mentality or his self esteem, but he just didn't perform or grow as well as the rest of the bunch while under Guru's care. When Jeff picked him for training, he felt that the boy could take his style and even soar above it given the time, but as a new teacher he wasn't really sure what to tell him, so he just left him alone. In his mind, the feeling of being weak could motivate a person to go beyond their competitors.

As time passed the kid grew formidable under him, Jeff didn't talk much and neither did he so they focused only on the growth of his skills, but he didn't know the deep seated darkness that formed in the kid's heart. One day the kid asked for more to bank on, and the same manual that was given to Zhao Wei was given to him then.

Although they weren't sure yet the color of the Tantra that was absorbed by the manual's technique, they discerned it to be an extremely powerful one. In short term, using another manual with stronger effects and different color could boost the amount of Tantra in a person's body, they'd just take a longer time to clear the impurities later. What he didn't know was how overwhelming the technique would be.

For the first time they saw what happened to people who tried it. Like Zhao Wei his body and blood started surging all over. And for the first time Jeff heard the horrendous screams of his student whose flesh was bursting at the seams.

"Aaaaahhhhh!!! TEACHER!! HELP ME!!" The boy wailed in front of him. The teacher could only stand, mouth agape and watch as his student was breaking right in front of his eyes. Like Zhao Wei for 3 days the world energy was wracking his whole body, until the end where there wasn't a spot of untouched skin all over.

The boy was put into recovery for 4 years, all that time he could only stay in the darkness as if the sun touched his skin it would quite literally start smoking. All that time his own teacher couldn't bear to visit the him but when he came out he was a whole different person.