His title

Contrary to all the other times, Jeff was the first to arrive when he heard the news. But by then, their longstanding silence could only continue. "H..how are you?" Jeff stammered trying to get the words in.

He knew the extent of the injuries, , virtually any external part of his body was gone the boy didn't even have eyelids or lips left. His body was now covered from head to waist with a muddy pink layer of skin once it regenerated. The scales on his tail didn't come back, in it's place a thick patch of skin that felt like sand paper covered it.

A soft an sharp voice replied "I'mmmm... Fineeee", the end of each word was dragged with his exhales. The conversation ended with just that much. Jeff's mouth was open, there were so many words he needed to say but he for whatever reason he could think of in his mind he didn't say them.

When he came out of his room the frightening figure actually became like night and day compared to his old self. He always wore bandages around his upper body, but he was confident. His classmates who he used to avoid now engaged him in open conversations and he held his head high in training, managing to bring out his own potential to the fore-front.

Then the first incident happened. A student was killed, she was one of Guru's and one of the stronger ones at that. Her body seemed as if a vortex had appeared in her abdomen sucking everything from skin to muscles to it's center. Safe to say she had a very miserable death.

It didn't even take a month before the next one surfaced. This one was one of Jeff's, one who had already graduated and worked in the army. Like the girl he had swirls on his body, emphasis on the plurality of the term. Unlike the girl he'd been hit four times on his torso, the muscles in his torso were pulled into four different directions simultaneously causing it to rip apart as if he'd been quartered from the inside of his own body [1].

The kills became more frequent. Months turned to weeks, weeks turned to days, worst of all the killer became more brutal as the bodies stacked up. Until finally the killer became too cocky, attacking a room full of students. By the time Guru and Jeff could arrive, half of them were killed, the other half were holding him down with numbers with many of them sporting horrendous injuries.

When Jeff saw who it was, it took him a while to comprehend. "Why?" were the only words that ame out of his mouth.

"Whyyyy?? reallyyyy, after all youuu guys did to me!?" Xezsaz screamed.

"We didn't do anything to you!" Guru replied.

"Exactlyyyyy!! youuu didn't dooo anything for meeee, I gained theseee by myself. Last time youuuu couldn't seeee myy worth souu youuuu Threw Meee Away!! To Him!!" He spat at Guru and pointed at Jeff, "And youuuu!!, youuu did moree than just dooo nothing, youuu turned mee into this!!" He waved at his own body, "And then youuuuu left me alone to rot for 4 years!!"

"I... I..." Jeff couldn't look him in the eyes as he stuttered.

"Iiiiii don't need your reasons, obviously youuuuu both wereeeee training such talents, but whereeeee areee they now?" As he said so his hands moved to intercept a student who tried to sneak attack him, he didn't use any technique, just using his own hand that emitted his Tantra. The student's muscles on his arm started to follow a pattern and got sucked into the point his Tantra touched.

"Aiiiiih!!" the student screamed before a Tantra covered hand covered his face. The flesh underneath Xezsaz's finger surged and burst as the student's body dropped to the floor, twitching.

"You!!" Guru was the first to notice.

"Ooooh! Didn't youuuuu know? I had moreee than just an imageee changeeee..." His Tantra activated again, unlike his original Tantra which was silver, it was now a deep crimson. Even for Guru it's the first time he'd seen such a change.

When people used manuals that didn't correspond with their color, there would be signs of impurities in their Tantra, like spots and stains on a plate. But his Tantra seemed as if it was completely replaced by someone else. In that moment, the sinister feeling coming from the Tantra alone made him want to step up to end his misery.

But just then a hand stretched to block his bath. "Let me do it..." Jeff spoke, "It's the least I owe this kid.

Before Guru could even reply, Jeff had already disappeared. Xezsaz tried to listen and perk his senses to catch his teacher's movement but nothing came of it at all. One moment he was up and the next he slumped down.

Right in front of him Jeff was standing silently in remorse while holding a dagger which recently just plunged into the young boy's heart. Jeff's forte was never speed or strength, but his Tantra gave him the ability to become completely transparent, combined with his own skills Jeff didn't need to move much.

In that match, he'd literally just walked up and plunged his dagger in. There were many assassins who utilized speed, but his own Tantra was the one which got him the title of "The knife that doesn't miss."