The big one falls

Once he had the rings on him. Zhao Wei asked Jeff when he could take it off only to have him break the control plate right in front of him.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Zhao Wei panicked.

"Don't worry kid, there's another way to release it." Jeff replied nonchalantly.

For a second Zhao Wei was relieved as he wiped off a little sweat which had built up on his forehead. But he didn't realize that the sentence hadn't been finished.

"...All you need to do is overload it with Tantra... but you should be careful though, at that point the weight would be something only gold class warriors could survive without dying." Jeff grinned.

Zhao Wei's mouth almost hit the floor. Beside him Thirteen decided to add salt to his injuries, "Well... it was made to be able to withstand a half diamond class warrior's Tantra in the first place. Judging by your current aptitude you do have talent." She said while smiling and giving him a thumbs up, "At this point you'd sure be able to reach it in 100 years or so."

He looked at Jeff to see if she was bluffing only to find him avoiding eye contact. "D#%n!! Everyone he meet keeps playing around with him!!"


That day something out of everyone's expectations happened, Jyaha came down with the sama disease that was wrecking havoc over the kingdom.

Many nobles and elders came to see him who was laid down in a tub of ice water to slow the process.

Black veins crept up the majority of his chest as well as his face. The bath was barely slowing down the spreading process as he had already begun bleeding slowly and steadily which caused the water to turn an ink like color.

Of course with such news it was impossible for Eyisha and Guru not to come and see for themselves if the rumors were true.

The person they had such a hard time keeping at bay had now fallen to such dire straits. At first they believed that although he might not have spearheaded the spreading of the sickness that he should have some connection to it at the very least.

But at this point, a little doubt couldn't help creep into their hearts. Every higher up may not know the ins and outs of the disease but they at least knew it was agonizing pain that came with it.

Eyisha herself had tried to visit the quarantine area for those infected, but she didn't last a minute at the sight and sound of such misery before stepping out and vomiting. It was beyond a fate anyone could wish for another, even their enemies.

When they arrived, Jyaha could barely wheeze much less talk, but one look and they knew, it wasn't fake. Literal beads of black sweat tumble down his head and dropped into the bath. It was so bad that he'd been swimming in his own piss and sh#%, The pain was so bad he couldn't even control everything else, and at some point he stopped bothering his underlings to change the bath again.

There was a little disbelief on Eyisha's part. This was the same man who almost ripped everything from under her, the one who'd she'd guarded against, the one who forced her to see the darker side of people even when she didn't want to. He made her mature faster as a leader more in close to a year compared to her whole life. And he was her uncle.

Like it or not, there was a possibility he was the only direct relative she had left. She walked up to the bath and couldn't help but bow, "Thank you uncle, to be honest I'm dissapointed not being able to beat you, if anything I would never hope it to end like this, and if there's another chance I would love to compete against you again."

With that she stood up and walked out, she doubted if he could even answer her even if he wanted to. Just as she reached the edge of his home. A long note of from a horn could be heard, it was repeated 9 times, reverberating through the kingdom. It was the signal that a general, noble or elder had died and she didn't need to even check who it was.

The council was gathered almost immediately while they brought his body out of his house, a simple clean cloth covering it as four men, two on either side carried him out of his house. Every member lined either side of the walkway of his house and gave their condolences to his wife and kids as he passed by.

When he left the threshold, they put his body in a coffin and a carriage proceeded to take him away to their ancestral burial site. Eyisha who was still in the midst of the council stood up straight and took a deep breath. "Everyone! In light of the recent demise of one of our great leaders I have a command to all, from this day forth the man known as Zhao Wei is a criminal to the Dracas kingdom, the pending on the judgement from before will no longer apply. Anyone found helping him will be apprehended with extreme force. We must get to the bottom of this disease urgently and swiftly."