Ghost King

Before, Zhao Wei was only to be brought in under suspicion. But this time it was a man hunt.

Regardless of whether he did anything was no longer of importance. The one who had made Eyisha suspicious and as well as all the other members of the council was Jyaha, but now he was dead which made any doubt they had void. There was no stopping the motion this time, they were out for blood.

If Wyisha showed any hesitation in subduing Zhao Wei this time, a coup was not completely out of the cards. They sent almost the whole army to Jeff's place this time. Proceeding with extreme caution as they didn't want the incident from last time to repeat. Even the blood stains were still fresh on the walls and the pavement.

That first sent death row inmates to walk the paths. Some did get caught by random traps but it was barely anything compared to the reception given the last time. It was as if they were just dealing with left overs from the last one.

There was no fight, no panic and at the end, there wasn't even a shack for them to surround. The place which they were supposed to attack was completely gone. Not even a piece of wood or misplaced brick was in sight, almost as if the whole building decided to pick itself up and walk off.

The confused army didn't know exactly what they were supposed to make of the situation.

"What!!" At a command center just several kilometers away Eyisha was dumbfounded again. She and several generals had prepared this plan in advance unlike the last time but Zhao Wei already caught whiff of it and moved ahead of them.

They brought a whole army to take down one guy and yet the enemy decided to not show up. If that wasn't a slap in the face, she didn't know what was. Now a whole army was mobilized for no reason, and just the act of signaling a retreat in such a situation was pure humiliation.

It took an hour for them to pack up out of the streets, by this time a crowd of civilians had already gathered on the perimeter to see what was going on. It wasn't everyday that an army was mobilized inside the Kingdom's own streets.

And yet, as soon as they arrived, before any excitement happened they began to pack up and move out.

Just to cover their blunder, the higher ups decided to spread the rumor of a mock battle simulation. But the civilians weren't fools either as they entered the alleys when the army left to find the remains of a large battle with hundreds of bloodstains on the walls.

But it was already dried, they connected this with the rumor of a massacre a few days back, but that was the extent of it. With facts came fantasies and myths that were poured in to make stories more exciting. What was originally just an old decrepit area was now known as a haunted street where ghosts of the dead came to look for the living and killed anyone unlucky enough to enter.

The army's movement was contributed to this very story, as they wanted to eradicate the ethereal beings but found that they couldn't catch ghosts with normal means, so deciding to regroup and plan a different approach. The warriors stationed around the street to catch Zhao Wei instead became patrols to keep the civilians away from the dangerous area.

Somehow the minds worked harder and harder on a story the less facts it was fed, and the rumors grew. And of course army men had to return to their families and give them some details about their mission, this led to some revealing information about the traps that intercepted people as they walked past. This was further twisting the story to include a ghost king who could attack anyone without even touching or getting close to them.

Zhao Wei liked some praise as much as the next person, but if he knew what they were calling him now he'd puke blood.

Without a lead they decided to check on all Zhao Wei's acquaintances, even as far as checking on the veteran's bar where Sola stayed.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" Myr scremed from behind the counter.

The several officers had come without warning looking for Sola who since had been working as a waitress at the Veteran's bar.

"Ma'am I must inform you that we are under official orders and are authorized to apprehend and interrogate any and all known acquaintances of a Wang Zhao Hui, even with extreme methods if necessary." An officer stated as several of them bathed into the bar without warning.

"And what are you doing here?" Myr asked coldly, "We don't know any Wang Zhao Hui, so you're coming in here without any proper grounds."

"You may not know him ma'am, but we are sure that a girl by the name of Sola has been in contact with the man in the past." The officer spoke highly as the test started swarming every where.

Myr eyes turned incredibly cold and her blood lust filled the room. All the officers suddenly dropped to the floor holding their necks, when they opened their hands they realized that nothing had happened to them, but they were so sure that just a moment ago they felt their heads part from the rest of their bodies.

Myr spoke slowly, "I repeat, we don't know any Wang Zhao Hui what you do with him is none of my concern, but if Sola trusts him he shouldn't be that bad a guy to warrant such actions. On the other hand if you dare lay a finger on Sola, I can assure you that none of you will have any limbs to drag yourself out of here when we're done."