
Zhao Wei had lost count how long he'd been here, he looked more like zombie than human now, several patches of flesh and skin were torn apart from his body, every single bone probably already dislocated.

At some point, he'd lost so much blood he could only feel the cold and the pain no longer bothered him as much, Jormugandr wasn't in any good position either, the flaming silk trap was embbeded half way through it's jaw muscles.

His eyes already closing from any number of causes, 'For a moment' he thought, 'Just for a moment' as he drifted away.

Two kids watched a movie on a laptop as they lay next to each other to keep warm under a blanket to small for the both of them. The girl runs her hands on the old fabric, his sent etched in from countless years of usage. Looking at his face so attentive towards the movie, she pulls it up to her nose and takes a good long whiff. The scent wasn't like flowers or fresh air, it was musty, the air of a lonely little boy, it wasn't the nicest smell in the world but it was hers.

As she opened her eyes his face was directly in front of her, his eyes watching her intently dilating at the sight of her own. She shyly covered herself with the blanket, pulling it all the way to her head, "What are you doing!?" She whined, but her voice couldn't hide the hint of delight she had at being spoiled with his attention.

"I should ask you the same thing" The boy stated indifferently, as she pulled the covers down she saw him pointing at his feet which were uncovered when she pulled the blanket away. As he turned his head to look at her accusingly, a torpedo of a pillow knocked him off the bed.

The bedroom was small, so there was little wiggle room to move around once the bed itself was brought down. He fell butt first, his body bending into the gap between the bed and the walls causing his legs to straighten up with his head in between.

At the sight of his predicament the girl laughed as she moved towards him, "You know, in this position your weakness is pretty open." She smacked her lips enticingly, he couldn't help but gulp.

But he saw that her hand was actually hovering on the bottom of his feet which were now in the air, "Don't. You. Dare." He tried to act tough but his voice faltered.

"Why I don't know what you mean," she gave him a look of innocence but in the next moment her nail touched it, his whole body tensed up straight away. "Would you mind explaining..." she teased.

"Please... Don't" he gritted his teeth to hold himself from reacting to it.

"Oh honey..." She smiled evilly, "can't you let me have some fun?"

His tortured laughter echoed across the halls.


When they were done, the boy laid lifeless on the floor, she never did know when she'd gone too far. She peeked at him from on top of the bed, "Sorry... I'll make it up to you, I'll do anything you want."

"Haaa..." he was trying to regain his breath, but when he heard those words it was like he got a full charge of batteries. "Really, anything?"

When she saw him this way she knew she'd opened a forbidden door.

"Then... then.. I want to spoon..." As the words came out he realized how much more embarassing they sounded than it did in his head, by the end his voice was as quiet as a mouse.

"Oh..." The girl looked at him without any change to her expression, "That's all?" She asked.

This time he was really shocked, could it be, was she wilder than he thought?

She stood up on the bed and left the bedroom. A few minutes she came back o the boy's despair, holding a spoon. "You said you wanted a spoon right?" She kept up her poker face.

"Aaa...Uuum..." He really didn't know how to answer. "That's not what I... Ow!"

"Pervert!" she shouted after smacking him on top of the head with the spoon. "So you want a spoon huh?... smack! smack!... didn't you ask for a spoon? why are you shouting." she gave him a few more smacks for good measure.

"Uncle! Uncle!" He knelt.

"Hmph! serves you right." She turned her face and plopped herself back on the bed. The boy seeing that she wasn't mad anymore climbed up as well, their bodies parallel to each other. After being quiet for a while, the boy's head turned towards her, "You do realize my request was "to" spoon instead of aaa..." His words got caught in his throat as he saw the top of a spoon begin to rise in the girl's right hand.

He laid himself back down, "Well, I guess this is nice too."

"What is?" she asked.

"Our position." he replied.

"What position?"

"Oh you didn't know? It's a relatively new one..." He explained.

"What's it called." She looked at him, curious.


She laid back on the bed, at first both their faces were blank, but soon their flat lips began to turn and stifled giggles and chuckles escaped their lips before turning into full blown hysterical laughter. But the girl being who she was, the boy had to endure some pain after making her laugh.

Zhao Wei's eyes reopened as his dream was disturbed by several loud cracking sounds.