
The thing had begun to shift, the hardened structures on it's body rumbling continuously. Zhao Wei was bewildered by what was going on, was the thing finally falling apart, no that shouldn't be the case, even if it was big, it was covered in all the debris from buildings the kingdom had to throw at it, there was no way that something that thick could be broken through so easily. Then it must've been something else it was doing.

Zhao wracked his brain as he saw the cracks spread all over the body of the beast, some of the ruptures let out high pressured air from inside. This was not happening, his wire trap had already cut half way through it's jaw, if it released itself at this point then there'd be no worth to all he'd pulled through till now. No, he couldn't panic at this moment, it was the final stretch.

He looked at it intently, scanning the parts he could see which was basically only it's face, a few seconds pass and he was really straining himself to focus despite his waning consciousness. Teeth, scales, eyes, tongue, nose, teeth, scales, eyes, tongue, nose. He kept repeating this sequence observing every part to the most minor details.

Finally he noticed something, but it threw him into deeper despair than before. The scales on it's nose was splitting apart, the black outer coating of the scales coming off to reveal a lighter grey colored scale underneath. It was shedding.

In the end, even if he knew what it was doing, he didn't really have any way to counter it,it was going to drop off the sales which were stuck and give itself some wiggle room. If it finished not only would it be able to escape, it'd be faster by dropping some of it's own scales.

Zhao Wei's mind sprang into action, what could he do? To be honest, at this point, nothing. His Tantra was locked in, his body was beyond damaged and his mana was all depleted in trying to hold it here for this long. Even if he wanted to drain everything, he didn't have much left to drain. Or did he?

Through his time, he'd stored so many traps, some of which he hadn't really used yet. After almost a year the number kept increasing and increasing, he'd tried to construct the traps with great success but he had never tried to reverse the process as he was never sure.

At this point he didn't really have a chance to test it in the future anyway so why not give it a shot. Breaking down every single trap was easier said than done though. It was like making a clay figure, when it was still just clay it was easy to change it's shape. Once it had turned into a pot after hardening and coloring it, turning it back to it's pure raw form was much harder and more extensive, not to mention slow, while time was the one thing he was lacking this whole battle.

At first he was thinking of purifying it, but at some point he realized that it wouldn't be bale to make it if he were to do that and then try to reform a trap. Instead he started overlapping traps against each other, forcing the traps to combine into one. he didn't know what the result would be, but it was all he got right now.

The Jormugandr also sensed his desperation, trying to speed up it's own process. Some large chunks broke off around it's back and it seemed to have a little more room to wiggle around.

Zhao Wei kept mixing and mixing until he had two trap runes which were full to the brim, it didn't even have a design, just a mix and match of many, many rune marks. As the serpent's body began to move back wards, pulling away from the wire, he activated the trap.

His vision was suddenly filled with a blinding light, an amalgam of all his traps surged out towards the beast like two unholy arms. Wrap trap tentacles kept forming and dispersing all over it's body while several flaming silk traps coiled around it. On the top, several tentacles of differing sizes grabbed at the empty air as it kept growing towards it's intended targeted, on some of them the bite trap was attached to the end, making it look like a horrific venus fly trap.

It extended until it reached Jormugandr's head, some tentacles wrapped around it's teeh while, the silk trap wires began lashing at it like a whip, the bite traps bit into any flesh it could find. All this while some death wish toxins entered the serpent's system through the traps or even hardened itself once it latched on to something. The only thing he could think of calling this monstrosity of a skill was 'Chimaera'.

With the last of his will he made both traps pull the beast's head back on the wire, forcing it's jaw to push against the sharp silk. The Jormugandr didn't go down without a fight either, it kept thrashing about trying to pull itself away. Both were getting desperate, but Zhao Wei was still on the losing end. It was getting desperate because this was probably the first time since it's growth since it had been hurt so bad, on the other hand, Zhao Wei didn't have any capacity left, all the energy had been sucked dry while that thing probably still had loads to spare.