
This suited Zhao Wei well. In there he'd just been cutting into every little bit of flesh the snake had to offer. He wasn't even using a blade, directly tearing cuts into sections of flesh using his bare hands. None of the blades would've been able to make a cut anyway. People would think that using his fingers the cuts would turn out rough, but they'd be wrong, the cuts were almost too clean, a little smoother and it could've been used as a mirror.

On the other hand Zhao Wei's body itself was already a much tougher weapon, when the Kitsi healed him, it didn't just heal the flesh wounds but also worked to fix his body back, for the first time in months he could check the mark on his left arm and understand something.

[Name: Wang Zhao Hui

Age: 20

Organism type: Human male

Class: Trapper

Status: Mental trauma detected

Strength : 136

Durability: 124

Vitality: 74

Speed: 101

Dexterity: 99

Mentality: 112


Heat: 14

Cold: 11

Toxic: 23

Electricity: 7

Light: 5

Dark: 9


Active: Wrap Trap, Wrap Trap (Barbed), Wrap Trap (Thin), Bite Trap, Redirection, Asura Fist, Blood scream, Flaming Silk Trap, Trigger Trap, Paralytic Venom Trap, Quick Cement Trap, Muddy steel.

Passive: Feeding, Prayer of the Departed, Flexibility.]

His stats were off their charts compared to before, most of it was contributed to when he left the jungle. In general his stats were included increased at least 3 times since then.

But the most ridiculous one was his strength, it was actually only at 89 when he first woke up. But after eating part of the Jormugandr it actually increased 47 points in one go, meaning the strength of that thing was almost at the 5,000 range if calculated against his passive.

On the other hand, his durability grew this much due to his new passive.

[The prayer of the departed- The final prayer of one who sacrificed themselves for host. Probability of Durability growth increased, Potential durability growth.]

He understood her last wish, it was for his safety. She understood him, that no matter what happened, in the end he'd always be in the front lines despite his obvious weaknesses, and if he died trying he really wouldn't mind. She couldn't leave him well enough alone to do that, even in death she wanted to protect him.

At first he wanted to hurt himself, not eating for a few days and continuously training each day just so that his day would be so exhausted that he wouldn't dream at night. Even if he wanted to die now, he couldn't. His life wasn't just his anymore, he owed her that much at least.

The first effect was pretty straight forward while the second one was a little more mysterious. Somehow, every morning his durability would rise by 1 or 2 points a day for who knows how long, though after the first week there appeared days where there would be no increase.

In addition to that, his tantra effects were now shown on the black screen. Asura Fist was basically that spiral attack, while redirection was based on his natural Tantra. He could feel it, right now he was in silver grade in terms of Tantra. The fang robbed her of everything she had and passed it to him.

Not just in terms of quantity but even the traits, he could to a certain extent cut through solid objects like butter. It disgusted him to no end when he gained it, but at the same time he couldn't reject it, it had already become a part of his Tantra. After two weeks he was pushing the Tantra of a bronze grade into his shackles while he moved around rapidly.

This was another reason why they didn't allow anyone in here, Chora set it up so that they would pick up the flesh he harvested outside. If anyone stepped in here without warning Zhao Wei first, brushing against him would be like a normal human brushing against a truck going at full speed, it wouldn't end pretty.

There was one skill he didn't understand and that was the blood scream, he didn't even know where it came from. The explanation wasn't clear either.

[Blood scream- Rule those that have the essence of life within them.





At first he wasn't really sure how it would work, but that was until he mistakenly used the word...