Technique manuals

Being in close proximity to the Jormugandr's body, he spoke the word under his breath, "Igazi.." instantly he felt all energy drain out of his body. In that moment he thought something great was going to happen. But to his dismay he saw absolutely nothing to tell him that his skill actually did something.

Leaving the area, he tried to regain all the energy he lost, unbeknownst to him the body which had been dead for so long started to leak blood onto the floor. Even if it was big, after being dead for so long, that should've been impossible.

He had a few more weeks to go before he planned to move out, on the day he finished processing all the flesh of the Jormugandr.He had quite the dilemma though. Since his second Tantra gathering technique had already given him his flexibility, he thought he might find a few techniques for himself to use, but it wasn't that easy.

Kitsi's Tantra entered him through different means than the normal process itself allowing him to absorb and use it, on the other hand his past to techniques were suited to human training. One problem was that the circulation chart for most of the books in Drasas would probably in consideration of the Naga biology, if he messed around with it without any knowledge he might end up actually crippling himself. The other problem was that their library had already been torn down.

For the military, they were quite lucky considering that a person thought ahead to protect the generalized army training scrolls. The nobles on the other hand were at a loss at what to do, not only had they lost the power of their status but now they also lost their means of achieving it as the scrolls that had been passed down several generations were now completely gone with the wind.

For awhile they tempted people into bringing any page they could find lying around with some money, it actually got them quite a bit for some time. That was, until people realized that money had no value in these trying times.

Now compared to a commoner, the nobles had nothing that kept them apart. Some who lived by their pride as a noble couldn't even deal with this sudden realization and resorted to take their own lives instead. To say that anyone mourned for them would be an overstatement, in reality more people were comforted in the fact that those leeches were gone.


After another month inside, he finally walked out. After so long in the shadow of the beast's body, the sun was blinding, even more so the look that everyone around gave him as he walked out. He finally looked at his own body and realized that he'd been crusted in a thick layer of dried blood and smelled like giant snake organs as he moved to look for a way to clean himself.

But the people weren't focused on his looks, or at least not that part. After the destruction they'd been preoccupied with so many things that they almost forgot about him, but that was also because he was in seclusion. They could never really forget the face of the person that saved them, even from afar they could recognize the human. It was just that he came out so suddenly and in such a state that they weren't really sure how to respond.

That was until a little girl came over to step in front of him. He stopped abruptly, not really sure what was going on. The girl lifted what looked like a rag doll made from some sack cloth it was mostly indistinguishable from anything else as there was no features on it except that it was of a human who had brown hair.

She offered the doll to Zhao Wei who knelt down in front of her. Zhao Wei tried to look for anything he could wipe his hands on so that he didn't dirty it, settling on his equally dirty trousers. But the girl pulled his hand forward and placed the doll in his palm.

She rifled through her satchel, looking for something. Zhao Wei watched her intently as she pulled something a little bigger than the rag doll she gave him. It was another rag doll, plump and black, it took Zhao Wei awhile to realize it was modeled after the Jormugandr.

Looking at the doll in his hand he played around with it, flying it around before landing it on the doll in the girl's hand, making an explosion sound effect as he did so. The girl giggled in amusement and began to retaliate with her own doll.

The other's who were still deciding how they were supposed to react, after seeing Zhao Wei unconcernedly playing such a childish game. Giving each other a smile they approached him.