Land shark

The further they went, the more beasts they encountered, apparently the whale and Jormugandr dominated the area behind them as many large and medium beasts began to pop up on the way.

Zhao Wei found it funny that even though this was the dessert, supposedly the driest place on earth, most of the beast they encountered were actually seafood formed.

A particular one of these beasts was called the land shark, Zhao Wei called it this due to the form of its head being eerily similar to that of a hammer head shark.

It's neck stretched to reveal a much larger body with two webbed feet that let it stand stably on the sand. Two sharp fins lined either side of it's body and a single dorsal fin like that of an old work shark was propped up on it's back.

Trouble was that these medium sized beasts swam in the sand as if it was the sea itself having their dorsal fins protrude from the sand like sharks in a movie. Using this alone, they could do a lot of damage to an unsuspecting prey who didn't look down at their feet often enough.

The fact that they spent most of their time with a majority of their bodies under the sand was annoying enough. But worst was the fact that they worked in packs, moving in untraceable but coordinated patterns to quickly cripple even much larger beasts. Any prey that stepped into their hunting ground might as well jump into a blender whose blades were perfectly customized for their bodies.

Once they hurt their preys legs they would then follow up with the body. Despite their size and structure, these beasts could leap great distances from within the sand, almost as if they were gliding between one point and another before diving back in.

They would fly extremely close to injured prey, letting their fins slowly but surely eviscerate their meal into bite sized bits. Once it reached this stage there was essentially no hope for the beast but to bleed out as fast as possible so they didn't have to suffer too long.

It took Zhao Wei quite a while to collect information on them, mostly because it was difficult to find a good hiding spot to observe these creatures from in the dessert.

Sure he was much stronger now than before, but he was no fool. There was a slight difference between confidence and cockiness, and that made all the difference when a life was on the line.

He'd watched them long enough to see beasts who were stronger or faster than him get reduced to a blood stain in the sand and from all the ways to go, this was one of the least fun he could think of.

But for now, he had enough information on them and a pretty solid theory on their biology. He stood on a dune overlooking 12 of them as they sunk their bodies into the sand to hide themselves from their next ignorant prey. Too bad their next prey wasn't so ignorant.

Zhao Wei took out a small whistle which he blew into, releasing an almost inaudible screech. Instantly from one of the dunes, Myra came forward, bounding carelessly into their trap, signaling the pack to begin their attack.

Myra tried to dodge, but even for her, the timed attacks were quite difficult to match. Just as she would dodge one of their fins by jumping up, she'd find herself landing right in the path of one of their fins, it didn't take long before her feet began to get cuts here and there, blood and little bits of flesh spilling from the wound.

But it'd only just begun, as they communicated with each other, they became more aggressive knowing their prey had begun to accumulate wounds. Tightening the circle making sure Myra wouldn't be able to escape even if she could.

Another seven minutes pass and finally Myra was on the ground, her legs to wounded to support her body. Finally they were ready to cut her down and feast. All of them closed in, but at this very moment Myra stood up.

The confused beasts suddenly felt the danger they were in but it was too late. Myra jumped up and used her sonic roar, releasing it into the closely packed group of beasts. The sound caused them all to go crazy, peeking their heads out of the sand. While Myra was still falling from mid air, the fur on her chest began to move.

Except, it was Panda who jumped off and landed on one of their heads before bracing herself and jumping again. Of course, this action was done within split seconds, making Panda look like a pin ball jumping from one target to the other.

Under her constant kicks, some of them died directly from having their necks snapped by the force, those who were on the edge of the encirclement recovered faster from Myra's roar as they were abit farther, deciding to flee from this madness. To bad for him, the main character hadn't even stepped forward, but he was prepared to.