Easy catch

Spears flew, timed just right and far too accurate for the Land sharks to dodge, most of them died instantly while some received extremely heavy injuries. But even then, there was no chance for them to escape, each of the spears were already set with barbed wrap traps that activated on contact, keeping their heads above the sandy surface.

It was way too easy. From their style of hunting, Zhao Wei could easily deduce that they were blind or at least very close to it. Being under the sand so long, they must've had the ability to sense vibrations or something similar to track their prey and companions to properly execute their kills.

With Myra as bait, Zhao Wei instructed her to coat the bottom of her feet with her shadow, but had her absorb some meat and blood within it. When the beasts attacked her, they were simply passing through her shadow storage and slicing up some form of meat in there. This was needed so that their ranks would become closer so that they would be the perfect target for the next maneuver.

Using Myra's sonic roars, if Zhao Wei was right, the vibrations would've been the most disorienting thing to this particular beast's senses. For a few seconds, Zhao Wei completely robbed them of their functionality. As he watched their bodies lay there while some of them struggled to free themselves of the traps, he felt a little satisfied. Just for a moment before he turned serious again.

Despite the danger, these land sharks were small fry, there was little use of eating them as their individual attributes were not something to be looked up to and their meat had a very grainy texture which Zhao Wei absolutely abhorred eating. But they were the ideal meal for a much bigger fish. Yes, these ferocious beasts were nothing more than bait in the eyes of Zhao Wei.

With the smell of blood as well as the continuous struggle of the live ones, it didn't take long before Zhao Wei could feel the sand vibrate, the dunes quickly flattening as the sands shifted downwards. He'd already pulled Myra and Panda out of there else they would be at great risk, even they couldn't hurt this thing.

Suddenly a large mouth that could probably swallow a car whole burst through the sand. Long tendril like whiskers protruded from either side of the beast's snout. In a single bite it tore one of the remaining live land sharks in half. The Barb-mouth had come.

In terms of beasts, it was probably one of the ugliest Zhao Wei had ever seen. Essentially it looked like a catfish with four legs under it. There was no horror factor, coolness factor or beauty factor that made this beast stand out in any way, just sheer ugliness from Zhao Wei's point of view.

But it was the last thing he would underestimate. Individually, this beasts were one of the toughest in the dessert he'd ever had to face, some even coming close enough to swallow him up the first few times he'd met it. First of all would be those long whiskers. Despite the fatty and flashy look, it could pierce a beast's body, flesh bones and organs and all from one side to another. Disappearing from view and reappearing before it's prey even knew what hit them.

Despite Myra and Panda's strength they were beasts of nature too, and this beast definitely were incompatible with their style. Especially for Myra, in the night, Myra could be called almost invisible to any threat by controlling her shadows to her will. In the day however, her shadow powers were more or less useless. Even while against the land sharks, despite seemingly overpowering them, Myra drained a lot just covering her feet with the shadow.

If the beast she was fighting had a larger attack radius like this one, then she'd be in a lot of trouble. Even at night, despite covering herself in the shadow, Zhao Wei found that Myra always had a small section of her body appear in the physical realm. At first Zhao Wei thought this was by choice, but it somehow seemed to root her to the physical plane, the only exception for this was if the shadow she jumped into wasn't her own, but that would limit her mobility in that realm, not allowing her to leave that area unless she first exited the shadow.

Panda on the other hand, couldn't fight this beast simply because she couldn't damage it. The beast despite it's soft body appearance had a defensive mechanism that would put even the strongest armors to shame. It's skin was coated by some form of slime or gel that basically caused almost any attack to slide off it's skin. It wouldn't be able to touch Panda either, but the same could be said for Panda.

That very same defense mechanism gave Zhao Wei a head ache, it had slid away from his wraps traps on more than one occasion, and in one attempt shot out from beneath a giant boulder Zhao Wei had dropped on top of it like a slippery bar of soap.

Zhao Wei wasn't hunting this beast out of necessity, at this point, it was about his pride as a hunter. This beast was like one of those difficult gimmick opponents in games which gave almost absolutely no useful drops or experience, but most chose to fight simply because it annoyed them or to complete a list of achievements.