Off Guard

He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, if it wasn't for the fact that he held in his hands the indisputable proof that he'd just been attacked by a rock arm jutting out of the wall then he'd think he'd gone mad.

But his ordeal wasn't over, as he looked around he suddenly felt something grab onto his ankles.

Looking down, another hand made from the same materials as the walls and the floor gripped onto his leg. Trying to pull himself out by tugging against it he was instead met with intense strength that threatened to crush the bones in his ankles. Raising his other foot, he stepped on the hand, causing it to break apart like ceramic.

Apparently these things had a lot of strength but were far too brittle. Again the rest of the hand receded back into the floor like the previous one had. Zhao Wei was on full alert, but it was difficult, these things as he'd sensed just now, had no life. If there was some mana or Tantra in them, Zhao Wei would probably be able to sense it coming, but this was like an inanimate object slowly creeping up on him. Zhao Wei couldn't help but shudder at the thought of what he might be fighting.

At this point another hand formed itself from the walls and reached out towards Zhao Wei again, but this time he was prepared as he dodged away before those things could touch him. In additional to their brittleness, these things were also very slow, at least against the current Zhao Wei. If it met him before the change, it'd probably already catch him and broke him quite easily.

But Zhao Wei hadn't noticed a section of the wall behind him open as he escaped the grasp of an incoming arm. Only when something had come too close to him did he turn around and find his vision covered by a golden brown metallic surface. Before he could figure out what it was, it had already made contact with his body and sent him flying. He didn't know where, but he heard a crack sound out from inside his body.

He tried to open his eyes but his vision was blurry and he felt warm blood run down his face. Zhao Wei wasn't sure what hit him but he was sure that this was probably what a normal human felt like if they got hit by a truck. Something was definitely broken, he wasn't sure what because pain wracked his whole body but something was definitely broken.

He felt something grab his hair and pull him up. Zhao Wei thought he was going to see who or what had hit him. But his sight hadn't returned and was in fact getting worse as his visuals turned darker, he could barely see the shape of a head before the shape of a fist covered it.


Thirteen grew even more anxious as she saw how jumpy Myra was, for whatever reason, Zhao Wei and Jeff had ordered her to leave them behind. It should've been fine considering how strong the both of them were. But considering the few times, she'd seen Zhao Wei fight, he'd spent one of it throwing his life at a super giant snake, she really did have a right to worry.

At first, she'd tried to calm herself and sit down, that was of course before something inside the contraption had made a really loud clanging sound. She knew she should've stayed like she was ordered, Jeff had voiced his opinions and made her understand how weak she still was. If she entered she'd just be slowing them down.

But then she remembered, she wasn't exactly an assassin in Dracas anymore, she didn't really need to follow any orders given to her, especially not by Jeff. Reeling Myra in and she pulled Panda up under her armpit before having them move towards the contraption.


Zhao Wei woke up with a groan, a splitting headache ran through his head at the same time, prying his eyes open.

He was in a small room, about the size of a janitors closet. Dirty, decrepit and the only thing that probably had a use for this place after all this time was just dust, there wasn't even a door or bars to keep him in.

Picking himself up he checked his whole body's condition, a lot of bruising and some broken ribs, but he guessed he should be fine for now. After painstakingly stretching himself, a few bones of his popping back into place, he decided to move out. Just as he wanted to step through the door way, his senses told him his life was in extreme danger as he jumped backwards. Right where he was just before, spikes stabbed out both vertically and horizontally from the door frames.

A chill ran down his spine, he wasn't caught by jigsaw was he!?