One of you did

'Where am I?' Zhao Wei wondered as he checked his toe.

He'd jumped away in time so that his body wasn't turned into a shish kebab, but the spikes still got a piece of him. Namely a piece of his thumb that left it looking like Pac-Man.

It seemed like the person who put him here didn't actually care whether he lived or died, judging by the traps which were put to keep him in. Then again, why carry him here in the first place if that was the case, why not just kill him while he was unconscious. The motives didn't match up.

Zhao Wei tried to wrack his brain to remember the encounter, he'd been completely helpless throughout the whole thing. His senses didn't work, especially with those stone arms and he didn't even sense the assailant coming over until they were right behind him. This was the first time he'd met a situation like this and honestly, he wasn't sure what to do.

Then again... he thought. At this point, where he wasn't sure what to do next, getting out of here was as good an objective as any. As he picked himself up, he walked towards the door frame where the spike trap was, regardless of who the enemy was, he did have to give compliments where it was due, this was well made. Even he wasn't able to detect them right until the last moment, he'd only jumped back in time because he'd been extremely cautious after waking up in this strange place.

He set the quick cement traps onto the door frame and swung his hand to activate it. With a loud crack and some smoke, he could confirm it was already broken as he walked out. But he might've wished he didn't.


"So... how much work do we have?" A commanding voice spoke.

"Quite a bit," Another replied. A room with designs that were similar to the one Zhao Wei was in, except that it was cleaner with a large table at its center, a single candle illuminated the room and around the table, several silhouettes were standing around. "The axle for the grinder was damaged when that idiot lifted it and dropped it back in, we need at least 2 days to get it fixed because we have to strip the blades first before we can reach it and weld it back together, that's not even including the fact that he bonded most of the gears together, we can destroy the minor parts and easily replace them but it's going to take much longer to salvage the big pieces, I haven't made out what kind of material he used, but it's like he just added a catalyst for any two surfaces to bond together, if that's the case we may be looking at a whole month of work. Truly impressive if I must say so myself."

"Please don't compliment the source of our troubles," A similar voice came out from one of them. "Do we have enough supplies till then?"

"Don't know that's not my job," The same person replied. "What I know is that we shouldn't have put off the repairs till now, I told you that if we met another Colossal grade beast then that thing would split."

"But we didn't meet a Colossal beast... Just a 'Colossal' idiot. How'd he escape getting killed in the first place?" Another one sighed before asking.

"Apparently the spikes were too big for his size and he ended up using them for leverage, most of the beasts we've met in this environment didn't have any climbing skills, mostly just the ability to dig efficiently, the design for this trap didn't take that into consideration." Another one chimed. "Additionally, this is the first time since we've been here that we've met anything with an intellectual capacity. I think before we kill him, we should probably figure out the conditions outside."

"Wait, we're going to kill him?, I never heard of that." Instantly a commotion was heard as everyone chimed in to voice their opinion.

"I think considering the trouble he's giving us it doesn't really matter if we do kill him." A person spoke.

"But it'll be detrimental to us." Another retorted.

"No it wouldn't..." A side brushed him off. "We've killed several beasts so far already."

"But that was for survival and sustenance, we've never killed a person before." A voice echoed.

"Well as long as we're the ones to do it, shouldn't it ease the process instead."

"What if it causes a negative effect instead?"

"Umm guys..." A soft voice spoke, "Regardless of whether we decide to kill him or not, we all agree that we might want his knowledge of the outside first right?"

"Yes" the whole room spoke in unison.

"That... might be a problem, according to my senses, the person is in our testing facility."

"Who even put him there!?" A person sitting at the table shouted.

A person walked up, "I did."

"Who told you to do it?"

"You did..." shutting that person up, "Or at least... one of you did." This person gestured at the whole table.

"He shouldn't be awake yet, she did hit him pretty hard." Some of them sighed in relief. "We'll just move him out of there before anything hap... Too late, he's already moving about."