
They were lucky that Myra was back on her feet, but she was too injured to carry all of them so they sent Jeff and Panda to run ahead while he and Thirteen followed quickly behind. Moving as fast as they could, they navigated the path towards the breach Thirteen made in the building earlier that day.

At some point there was a little relief in Zhao Wei's heart, the tremors seemed to get softer and softer, they were banking their escape on the hope that their berserk forms wouldn't be able to use their tracking ability and sure enough, as they fled further and further away no one seemed to be coming after them even after they reached the breach.

They were all met with the view of the dessert in the night, where the sweltering weather was once again traded with bone chilling wind. And yet, all members of the party felt a different kind of chill when they saw who was waiting for them.

Zhao Wei almost mistook the golem for a monument. The only way they could describe her was muscular, because that was quite literally the only distinctive feature she had going for her. Her body which had towered over Zhao Wei before was now nearly five times that height and her width expanded in proportion.

Her raging breath shifted the sands around her as her previously intelligent pupils were now a blank slate of nothing but pure white. With every heave of her chest, every flex of her neck even through the contortion of her face her skin would split apart to reveal a viscous silver mercury like liquid that made up her body.

Her previously two handed hammer now fit almost perfectly like a gavel in her hands. Her elephantine feet stood firmly like castle pillars in the sand which miraculously held her weight without sinking.

When they met her they all turned stiff as a board. Watching her stand there, looking at those inhumane and unblinking eyes as if trying to find some semblance of a conscience in that whirlpool of madness, but all they found staring back at them was a monster.

She moved with a speed that should be impossible which such a body, appearing before them before they could even perceive any movement with the hammer raised above her head. Zhao Wei and Thirteen dodged to the side while Myra, with the rest in tow dove into the shadow that very hammer had created as it came down, popping out the other side while running straight between Gary's legs.

If there was one thing that had been going through their minds since they met her it was that they had no chance of winning. This thought was further cemented by the fact that as her blow came down, the dessert under her suddenly became a gigantic sand pit from the impact alone.

It was difficult enough just trying to avoid her with their feet constantly sinking into the sand but now the landscape itself was pulling them towards her. Her hammer was brought up again, waiting for them to come to her with the sand dragging them all in.

Fighting the flow of the sand was just prolonging the inevitable so Zhao Wei decided to just follow it's momentum instead, speeding in towards the center, catching Gary off guard. With the momentum of the sand he launched himself towards Myra and kicked her as well as the others, sending them flying outside the area of effect.

He didn't have the time to do the same for Thirteen. But lucky for her, Gary's attention was fully focused towards him. The blow came down with him only being able to dodge by a hair's breath, this of course did not include the blast of sand that came after which knocked him back several meters away. Even if it was just sand, the force they hit him with felt like he'd just taken a barrage of blows all over his body.

For a moment, Zhao Wei's vision was filled with streams of sand mixed with small flashes of the night sky until the force dissipated enough for him to stop himself. By then Gary had already arrived where he was again, swinging the hammer side ways. Zhao Wei barely dodged the speed of that thing before he felt himself being lifted from the ground.

That hammer moved so fast it had created a wind vacuum as it passed by over head which tried to suck him into it's previous trajectory. Not only him, even the sand from the ground was pulled into it like a giant fist following the hammer's original path.

If he'd floated up a bit higher, there was no doubt that he'd be pummeled into a pulp. Thirteen dove into the sand while the giant had her focus on Zhao Wei. Sliding in just next to her legs before meticulously climbing up.

Seeing her sneak in, he had to make sure Gary didn't notice and decided to do something extremely stupid. He ran towards her at full speed. Her hammer coming back in the opposite direction. As it came by, he dodged it by a hair's breath but activated a wrap trap to latch on to the handle while he dangled off it using the flaming silk trap.